Power On Plants | Meal Prep Ideas, Plant Based Diet, Vegan Food, Fatigue, Blood Pressure, Cholesterol, Healthy Food, Vegan Recipes, Weight Loss, Christian Healthcare

260: Why the Vegan Diet Is Not The Best Option For Optimal Health, and What Is 🌱

January 15, 2024 Jarrod Roussel, PA-C and Anita Roussel, BSN Episode 260
Power On Plants | Meal Prep Ideas, Plant Based Diet, Vegan Food, Fatigue, Blood Pressure, Cholesterol, Healthy Food, Vegan Recipes, Weight Loss, Christian Healthcare
260: Why the Vegan Diet Is Not The Best Option For Optimal Health, and What Is 🌱
Show Notes Transcript Chapter Markers

Have you tried vegan before but not been able to make it stick long term?

Or perhaps you ate vegan before but just didn't get the health results you were hoping to gain.

The key to eating for optimal health is found in arming yourself with the right health information and gaining the simple steps to take based on what you learn.

So what are the differences between eating the vegan diet and the whole food plant based diet?

🌱 In this latest episode we're stripping away the confusion around vegan and whole food plant-based meals, arming you with the knowledge you need for taking the simple steps to finally feel better!

You'll learn about the nutrient-poor "health" foods that have been sabotaging your health and the nutrient-rich foods that have the power to transform it.

Learn about the foods that have the ability to lower cholesterol naturally, decrease blood pressure to normal, decrease inflammation, and even reverse "chronic" diseases like type II diabetes, autoimmune disease, and heart disease.

We're also sharing some of our own experiences for uncovering the joys of creating delicious, nutritious meals that will make your taste buds super happy while at the same time building your health! 🌱

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This includes a treasure trove of plant-based recipes and healthy meal ideas for your meal plan at your fingertips with the simple click of a button!

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Friend, you don't have to try and figure this out alone. We invite you to join the Power On Plants Familyby joining the warm community of fellow Christ followers who are eager to exchange advice, offer support, and celebrate each step taken on this incredible, life-giving path to fully living your God-given potential!  πŸŒ±πŸŽ‰


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Speaker 1:

Why eating vegan isn't the best option for optimal health. Let's talk about it. Hey sister, welcome to the Power On Plants podcast. Are you tired of staring into the fridge wondering what to eat so you can just feel better? Do you want to avoid spending hours in the kitchen making complicated meals in the name of health? Would you love to leave fatigue behind and finally have the energy to do all the things you want to do? Hi, we're Chered and Anita Roussell, christ followers, healthcare professionals, parents of four and big fans of great tasting food. We, too, tried exercising more, eating natural and clean foods, but we still found ourselves struggling with what we thought were changes that come with age or bad genes, and we weren't finding answers to traditional routes. So we dug into the research and created our secret nutritional weapon sustainable plant-based living. The truth is, you can eat more whole plant foods, and it's not hard. You just need the way. That's realistic and delicious, so you never feel deprived. If you're ready to enjoy your meals, no longer be held back by your health struggles and actively live your life, then you're in the right place. So grab your favorite plant-based cup of happy pop in those earbuds and let's get started.

Speaker 2:

Okay, okay, okay, okay, hold on now. Alright. So you're saying, you're telling me that vegan isn't necessarily healthy?

Speaker 1:

No, it isn't, but yet we're vegan.

Speaker 2:

Kind of sort of we're kind of vegan.

Speaker 1:

Yes, Kind of sort of vegan.

Speaker 2:

but there is a difference between what we do we sometimes use that word and whenever I'm explaining to my patients how I eat and I explain whole food, plant-based, I say it's maybe a cousin to vegan. There's a lot of similarities, but there are also some very key differences, very key differences, and that's what we want to talk about today Absolutely Well.

Speaker 1:

First of all, vegan isn't necessarily whole food plant-based.

Speaker 2:

That's true.

Speaker 1:

But whole food plant-based is for the most part vegan.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

The main exception I can think of is honey Right. So we don't really argue with people about honey now. Please don't let the hair on the back of your neck stand up if you're adamantly against people eating honey. I'm just saying you know, people who are whole food plant-based are probably not going to necessarily fight you on that issue, because it's not an animal rights type thing. A lot of people who eat whole food plant-based get into this for health because they're looking at, I want the whole food. It doesn't mean we don't care about animals. It also doesn't mean that as we continue on this journey, we care less. We actually start caring more about animals. It's what I'm saying. Like, as you start eating this way and living this way, you do tend to start caring more about creation.

Speaker 2:

I would say that our perspective changed when we saw that animals were not necessary for food. We stopped seeing them as food, so we did become more sensitive to what they go through, the modern farming practices, things of that nature.

Speaker 1:

And then you start seeing some of the movies on what they actually go through and how they're mistreated and how they're killed. It is not pretty. We don't belabor the point here, because there are plenty of movies that document that, if you want to go watch that. But it isn't pretty and it's not nice and it is not how we were meant to treat God's creation, not the way animals are treated today.

Speaker 2:

But I will joke with my patients that the vegans would disown us because we do permit honey with the whole food, plant-based lifestyle.

Speaker 1:

But beyond that, what are the big differences? I mean, there are some big differences here. We're talking about one thing there, but let's talk about what really is it that makes whole food plant-based. It's vegan, but it's very different. The specifics are that you're eating whole plant foods. You're getting these nutrients in the form that they were created to be eaten in, so the whole package. If you start pulling out pieces, bits and pieces to create other products, bits and pieces of plants, nutrients taste different, things like that you get into travel nutritionally and we believe that's because it's not in the package it was created in. But you see that time and again with research, it's not just about our beliefs. We back stuff up with research because Jared's a physician assistant, I'm a nurse, you know we have certain certifications with nutrition and things like that. So I want you to know that the research is super important to us. These are the whole plant foods in their whole form. Now we're not talking we just have to eat a whole apple. It can be processed up a little bit. We're looking at minimal processing. We don't want something that has a little apple flavoring in it, right? So a vegan. Let's talk about what they might eat. A vegan might eat white flour, oils, processed sugars, potato chips and not think anything about it. Now, does that mean we don't eat potato chips? No, it doesn't we eat potatoes.

Speaker 2:

We do enjoy from time to time.

Speaker 1:

They take nothing to make it home when you know how to do it. They're super quick, way more delicious than anything you get in the store. You don't feel bad after you eat them. There's no oil. They're just as crispy. You'll not believe it, it would blow your mind. We were sharing that with our members the other day and they were like are you kidding me? Three minutes and I've got potato chips. Who knew? Who knew you don't have to have an air fryer? What is up with this? I mean, this is how you live. You start finding those new favorites and you don't have to eat these quote vegan foods when they're not healthy. They're not setting you up for success.

Speaker 2:

But it's one ingredient, just potatoes. Right Just potatoes, no oil, nothing else. Now, if you want to put some spices on it, maybe a little paprika you want?

Speaker 1:

to dress it up Garlic powder.

Speaker 2:

We've done things like that A little garlic powder a little fresh ground black pepper, stuff like that, but otherwise it's just potato.

Speaker 1:

Right. So we mentioned processed sugar like that's a bad thing. So does that mean, oh, you can't have sweets eating this way? No, we just eat them in a new, different way that actually loves our bodies back, but we still love it. We still look forward to eating some sweet things. We don't eat sweets at every meal but we do enjoy sweet treats, but they're whole food sweet treats. They still taste as we do not believe what you can make with whole plain food.

Speaker 2:

It is honestly.

Speaker 1:

It's remarkable. This is why we never feel deprived, while we love this way of living, while we wake up every morning and look forward to it, because the thing is, you have so many memories connected with your meals. We need to talk about this. Coming up soon, we're going to talk more about this. You've got to have these foods that you love and that bring you those memories and that are tied to these specific events and that you just like the way they taste. You just enjoy living that way. You just like them. This is why diving doesn't work, but whole food, plant-based, when you know how to do it right, will skyrocket you to your health goals. It's amazing. All right, so let's think about some other things. Fast food, french fries those are vegan, not healthy, but they're vegan.

Speaker 2:

Well, they're probably vegan.

Speaker 1:

Well, okay, let's get into that it may depend on who makes it.

Speaker 2:

Maybe they put some beef callow in it or some lard or something in it.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, they could fry it in lard.

Speaker 2:

They are vegan if made with maybe a peanut oil or something of that nature.

Speaker 1:

Right, so not always, you can't assume Not always but probably.

Speaker 2:

But I've heard and I've joked beer and french fries.

Speaker 1:

They're vegan, but I would say neither is the most healthy for you. No, let's just be honest no.

Speaker 2:

It's vegan but not sustainable.

Speaker 1:

You brought up a good point there, because I think about how the oils and all these different things that are in these foods some things you think are vegan Like you got to a Mexican restaurant, you're trying to eat vegan and you order beans not knowing they've got lard in a lot of the beans. You need to be asking that question.

Speaker 2:

Definitely ask the questions.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, because you want to make sure it is at least vegan, right, but they do add some of these things that make it not healthy. This is why we have a lot of our members come to us and they've tried vegan and they just aren't healthy. They're gaining more weight, they're getting more cholesterol issues, high blood pressure issues. They're vegan, but they're eating the junk food vegan. And they don't know. They hadn't known the difference until they heard the podcast episode and all of a sudden they're going oh wait, a minute, I wasn't doing this exactly.

Speaker 2:

Right, if I want to get health results, they were missing a few elements that made big differences.

Speaker 1:

The key elements. These are key Vegan burgers, vegan sausages, vegan power bars what about those? Aren't they healthy?

Speaker 2:

Well, they're vegan, they're plant-based. They're both vegan, I think that's about all I could say about them.

Speaker 1:

That's it. They're vegan, they're very processed.

Speaker 2:

They'll use a lot of fats to try to mimic the flavor, the textures of meat.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

And sometimes those veggie burgers look a little too much like the real thing.

Speaker 1:

Right. And so you gotta ask what's in there? Read the ingredients label. Don't just read the label for grams of stuff. Read what's actually in it.

Speaker 2:

And don't read the billboard on the front of the package. Yeah, all of the vegan burger 100% healthy, all plate-based, yes, yeah. Don't leave the lies on the billboard. Look at the ingredients list on there. That's where it'll tell you the important information.

Speaker 1:

Yes, so many of these foods that are labeled vegan and healthy, they're still junk food. Vegan processed food that's highly processed is still junk food. Right, they're all vegan, but vegan does not equal healthy. That's what we want you to walk away from this episode with today Vegan does not equal healthy.

Speaker 2:

And I'll also add here, though, that the word healthy is not well regulated.

Speaker 1:

Oh, it's not like that.

Speaker 2:

There's a specific criteria that this food item must meet before it can put healthy on it.

Speaker 1:

Oh no, even in the title. Let's talk about that for a minute. We have a friend who had some shredded potatoes that were a brand. Oh no, those were simply.

Speaker 2:

Those were simply potatoes.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

And it gives you the idea that it's nothing but potato in the product.

Speaker 1:

It's just potatoes. It's simply potatoes, right and when you look at the ingredient list.

Speaker 2:

There are chemicals and oils and all kinds of things in them.

Speaker 1:

Right, and you think of the frozen dinner company called Healthy Something. Maybe we should name it titles, but I think you all know what we're talking about here.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Just because it's called healthy doesn't mean it's healthy. So you need to really start reading that ingredients label. So whole food plant based is vegan. You don't eat the animal products and things like that, apart from honey, like we mentioned. Some eat honey, some don't. You know, just because your whole food plant makes it doesn't mean you do or you don't. It's just kind of personal preference. Some people do Some people don't. But this is the difference. You can eat vegan and be totally unhealthy, be eating junk food and things like that. You're not getting the whole foods, you're not getting the greens and the things that you need. So really focus. As you're starting this journey, you've even been on it for a long time and you're thinking I'm vegan, I don't know why I'm not getting healthy.

Speaker 2:

I'm still struggling with weight issues, still struggling with pain in my joints. I mean, one of the issues we had early on were the pressed out oils.

Speaker 1:

Oh, my goodness.

Speaker 2:

They were all vegetable and source, but they were still causing us a lot of problems because of the imbalance with the omega fatty acids.

Speaker 1:

Well, I'm sure the cheese and the sour cream and all the dairy.

Speaker 2:

Well, they did not help at all.

Speaker 1:

no, For the dairy queen did not help, with her cholesterol going up and her arteries getting clogged and hearing the blood rushing through her neck. Yeah, all that stuff was not healthy either.

Speaker 2:

But inflammation, pain, those types of things can still persist with a vegan type diet.

Speaker 1:

Absolutely, because even after we cut out many of the animal products, I mean, we're still eating some of the plant based oils, some of the things like Jared was saying.

Speaker 2:

Like grape seed oil.

Speaker 1:

Grape seed oil, we heard it was healthy and started eating it and I had the worst joint pain and we put in. The world is going on. Not to mention, oil is one of the highest calorie things that you can eat. It is a very high calorie, so you don't want to be putting spoonfuls of oil on your stuff. Learn how to saute without it. Learn how to bake without it. These are the kind of things we show you how to do inside of our membership, inside of our course that's coming up. These are the things you've got to know to be able to get to the level that you want to be with your health. So just because it's vegan on the label, don't just buy it and assume. Start reading the ingredients label. What is actually in there? How much oil, how much sugar Does it have it at all? I mean, so many things have it. They don't need it. There's still junk food. How many colorings and flavorings artificial or natural are in there? Look at these things you can't pronounce on the label. Right, it can be vegan and still look foreign, look like a foreign language on the label. You don't want that. Run from that, sister. Run as far as you can, brother. Don't be picking up that product. You don't want that one. Choose the better products. Get inside of our free group Pi Podcast Insiders Experience. We've just released this amazing, amazing new feature. Listen, if you're listening to this, years from now, you're binging the podcast episodes. We're still coming out with new ones. This feature is still gonna be alive and active inside a Podcast Insiders Experience and inside of all of our communities. The podcast episodes yeah, this podcast you're listening to right now it's going into a searchable database. Every single podcast episode we've ever made is searchable. So, any words you're looking for. You wanna know how to use blueberries, apples? You wanna know how to eat, what to eat for breakfast? You can search breakfast. You can search tofu, tempeh, vegan, it doesn't matter. Get in Podcast Insiders Experience and search to your heart's content and get to know other members of the community. Start sharing what you're cooking, start sharing what you've tried. Start sharing what kind of recipe you're looking for and let them share what they've found too. You are going to thrive, blossom and grow inside community. We see it time and again. It will change your life.

Speaker 2:

And do not underestimate the value of community, because you may feel like you're the only one in your family and maybe you are. Maybe you're just getting started. Other people aren't quite on board yet, but you feel alone and it's hard to keep pressing through when it's like that. Get inside the community, meet other like-minded individuals that are on the same walk with you and gain encouragement from one another.

Speaker 1:

Well, and also you're gonna be sitting there on your own searching through YouTube, searching through this, looking for a podcast, trying to figure out something. We've got these curated podcasts for you with these simple, actionable steps to take that are searchable Everything inside of Podcast Insiders Experience and our paid memberships and our courses we're creating it all to be searchable.

Speaker 2:

It's all searchable.

Speaker 1:

This is not Facebook communities. This is not what you're used to. We have made this to be excellent because we believe doing things with excellence, because we want you to get results, and the way you're gonna do that is by being able to simply find what you need. Not have to get onto YouTube, onto Instagram. Try to search through stuff and find what you need. Where there's no search button, that's gonna pull back up what was posted four years ago. Try searching for something, even an old video that you found on Instagram unless you've saved it or something and have some brilliant way that you do that, which most of us don't like, being on Instagram anyway, or social media platforms for that matter. You know, if you don't like that, you found your community, hop inside pie. You're gonna find like-minded people who are gonna love you. But I'm saying all this because we think we just need more information, and so we've got all of these different things on YouTube and we're trying to search through and find. But this curates the info for you. You search it. It pulls up. Every time we've ever said a word, you can click straight to it. It'll take you exactly to that place in the episode the podcast episode, but not only that, you can get on there and search what people are eating, like hey, I'm new to this. I want some breakfast ideas. What have you tried? What's working for y'all? What do you like? What do you not like? This is going to be a wealth of information for you as it grows. So you're not out there alone trying to sift through the information and figure it out. You have community members who are also walking this. Some of them are gonna be a step behind you, some are gonna be a step in front of you, or two or three or four, and so they're gonna know oh, hey, yeah, I have this breakfast castor roll I eat all the time. Or hey, I eat my oatmeal this way. Or hey, I love this or that. So you've got searchable podcast, you've got the community that's searchable, and now you've got real time people you're gonna interact with and make new friends in a non-judgmental space where we're all in there cheering each other on. Listen, it doesn't get any better than this. This is how you set yourself up for success, not trying to gain more knowledge. More knowledge, more knowledge is learning. What simple action do I need to take now, when you can drill down on that through specific searches, getting your specific questions answered by each other, sharing what you're learning, sharing how you're growing. It will change everything for you. This is the key you've been hoping for. Go right now to poweronplantscom forward slash pie. That's poweronplantscom forward slash P-I-E and get inside the community. So again, if you've listened to all 250 plus episodes and it may be way more than that if you're listening several years down the road, every single one of them going forward and in the past, they're all searchable, every single one inside a podcast, insider's experience so again, that's poweronplantscom forward slash pie. We look forward to seeing you on the inside. And listen. Don't just pick up that vegan product because it says vegan on the front. You know better than that. Have a great week, sunshine, and we'll see you soon. We'll see you next time you.

Vegan vs Whole Food Plant-Based Diets
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