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5: Eat Plant Based Meals? I Could Never Do That! True Confessions of a Former Dairy Queen.

December 17, 2020 Jarrod & Anita Roussel Episode 5
5: Eat Plant Based Meals? I Could Never Do That! True Confessions of a Former Dairy Queen.
Power On Plants | Meal Prep Ideas, Plant Based Diet, Vegan Food, Fatigue, Blood Pressure, Cholesterol, Healthy Food, Vegan Recipes, Weight Loss, Christian Healthcare
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Power On Plants | Meal Prep Ideas, Plant Based Diet, Vegan Food, Fatigue, Blood Pressure, Cholesterol, Healthy Food, Vegan Recipes, Weight Loss, Christian Healthcare
5: Eat Plant Based Meals? I Could Never Do That! True Confessions of a Former Dairy Queen.
Dec 17, 2020 Episode 5
Jarrod & Anita Roussel

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Every day, we walk around with misperceptions like "Eating plant based would be hard" or "It would involve so much work."

🌱 Ready to break free from the "Matrix" of misconceptions that often surround whole food plant-based living? Join Jarrod and Anita on this eye-opening episode as they unveil the secrets to simple and enjoyable plant-based living that will literally transform your life! 🌿

πŸš€ In a world where habits put us on autopilot, discovering the reality of a whole food plant-based diet may seem challenging. But fear not! Our special guest, the plant milk master, is here to help guide you through the simple steps that make adopting this lifestyle a breeze. 🍏

She's sharing her top-secrets for adopting a whole food plant-based lifestyle, and also explains that when you know the right steps to take, "It's so easy, even a kindergartener could do it!" 

🌐 Tune in to hear the inspiring story of how we broke free from the "Matrix" of our "healthy" routines that were keeping us sick, and embraced the ease and joy of simple whole food plant-based cooking and living. 🌱 This is why we never dream of cheat days, friend! πŸ’ƒπŸ»

It's time to leave dieting mentality behind and embrace the healthy way of eating that's actually quick, simple, and so delicious!

πŸ”₯ You can finally feel good and live a full, active life when you discover the secrets to sustainable plant-based living.

🌱 Would you like for someone to walk you step-by-step to sustainable plant-based living in the way you'll actually love, so you can finally feel better?  Would you feel overjoyed to find a community of like-minded Christ followers who are thriving eating plant-based without any of the woo-woo?! Then you are going to love Power On Plants Society! Find out more about this one-of-a-kind Group Coaching Mastermind Community here. πŸŽ‰

For your chance to win one of two digital copies of our brand new cookbook set to release on August 1st, leave us a written review on Apple Podcast, snap a screen shot of your review, and email it to us at : podcast@poweronplants.com

🎁 Not yet a member of our FREE plant-based community? Once you're on the inside, every single podcast episode becomes searchable for you. 😲

Join us to gain the plant-based encouragement, real health-changing ideas, and sustainable plant-based inspiration you've been hoping for! πŸ’•

Show Notes Transcript

Send us a Text Message.

Every day, we walk around with misperceptions like "Eating plant based would be hard" or "It would involve so much work."

🌱 Ready to break free from the "Matrix" of misconceptions that often surround whole food plant-based living? Join Jarrod and Anita on this eye-opening episode as they unveil the secrets to simple and enjoyable plant-based living that will literally transform your life! 🌿

πŸš€ In a world where habits put us on autopilot, discovering the reality of a whole food plant-based diet may seem challenging. But fear not! Our special guest, the plant milk master, is here to help guide you through the simple steps that make adopting this lifestyle a breeze. 🍏

She's sharing her top-secrets for adopting a whole food plant-based lifestyle, and also explains that when you know the right steps to take, "It's so easy, even a kindergartener could do it!" 

🌐 Tune in to hear the inspiring story of how we broke free from the "Matrix" of our "healthy" routines that were keeping us sick, and embraced the ease and joy of simple whole food plant-based cooking and living. 🌱 This is why we never dream of cheat days, friend! πŸ’ƒπŸ»

It's time to leave dieting mentality behind and embrace the healthy way of eating that's actually quick, simple, and so delicious!

πŸ”₯ You can finally feel good and live a full, active life when you discover the secrets to sustainable plant-based living.

🌱 Would you like for someone to walk you step-by-step to sustainable plant-based living in the way you'll actually love, so you can finally feel better?  Would you feel overjoyed to find a community of like-minded Christ followers who are thriving eating plant-based without any of the woo-woo?! Then you are going to love Power On Plants Society! Find out more about this one-of-a-kind Group Coaching Mastermind Community here. πŸŽ‰

For your chance to win one of two digital copies of our brand new cookbook set to release on August 1st, leave us a written review on Apple Podcast, snap a screen shot of your review, and email it to us at : podcast@poweronplants.com

🎁 Not yet a member of our FREE plant-based community? Once you're on the inside, every single podcast episode becomes searchable for you. 😲

Join us to gain the plant-based encouragement, real health-changing ideas, and sustainable plant-based inspiration you've been hoping for! πŸ’•


Episode Number five. I could never do that. Listen, you don't want to miss this one. So stick around. You're listening to the smarter Healthy Living podcast where we firmly believe that getting healthy should never feel like torture. We're your host, Jarrod and Anita Roussel were college sweethearts, and health professionals who help you redefine what getting healthy looks like using a whole food plant based lifestyle. It's time to hear from the experts and learn the best tips and tricks that helped others get me on the road well, to create a vibrant life they love. If you're sick and tired of being sick, and tired, you're in the right place. So pull up a virtual chair, grab your matcha latte, and let's get started. Hey, friend today, we have a very special guest for you. And we cannot wait for you to meet her. But first, we need to take you back a few years to one of our very favorite places to spend time together. It's a quaint little beachside town filled with salty air, sea breezes and a whole lot of charm. On this particular day, we were strolling along the shady sidewalks. We opened the door to one of our favorite art galleries. And you know what the bill on the door it run like it always does. I love that little thing. And we strolled in. We didn't recognize the woman who was working that day. So we asked if our friend happened to be working that day to know she asked how do you know, Jordan? That's our friend, Jordan. And we explained to the woman how we had met our friend there one day and somehow our conversation ended up landing on how to get healthy imagine that seems like that always happens to us somehow. And so the woman asked, What do you do? And we continued to talk to her and we shared about some of the foods we now enjoy. And we explained how we no longer eat dairy. Somehow the conversation turned to dairy. And so the woman said to us, I absolutely love dairy. And she just looked shocked how we could not eat dairy anymore. And I told her look, I get it I completely understand because I was the Dairy Queen. I mean, I'm a self proclaimed recovered Dairy Queen. So I started explaining to her how now we enjoy nut milk replacements so much that we don't just miss we just don't miss dairy at all. And she said, Yeah, yeah, I've tried that milk in the store. It doesn't taste good. Okay, I totally got that. I get it. Because we've tried that milk in the store. It does not taste good. There's a reason for that. And she said that she was shocked. She just couldn't believe that we liked nut milk. And she said, Oh, you know what, I could never do that. I'm not much of a cook, I wouldn't even know where to start. And while we were chatting, we had both been or all of us, Jarrod, myself and the woman we were strolling through the art gallery. And we were enjoying some of the artwork together there. But when she had said she had could never do that I just felt really sad for because she didn't know how to make this simple how simple this way of living could be in for a split second. Right, then I was transported back in my mind. I mean, it wasn't wasn't a full blown dream sequence or anything like that. It was just a split second, and I started thinking about the time I had to struggle and Jarrod had to struggle so much to break free from our own health issues. I mean, my fatigue was so crippling at that time. It kept me playing back then, you know, when I was thinking about it had kept me from playing with my children. It kept me from running around with them playing tag going up one flight of stairs to even tuck them into bed at night. Think about how sad that is the joint pain that made me dread something just as simple as taking my shower. And the time when our lives were just being stolen from us for that split second. I was transported back there when she said that thinking about how we didn't know what to do, Jarrod and I didn't we didn't even know where to start. And I knew in my heart that this woman needed just one glimpse into how simple this could really all be for her. And it was at that point, after she had shared how net milk would be just too hard for her to do or this this way of living would just be too hard. I turned to her with a smile. And our eyes met and I asked do you have a blender? She said, Well, yes, I do. And I asked Well, can you throw some nuts and some water into that Blender? She started to chuckle and she looked back at me and laughed and she said, Yes I can. And then I leaned in and I asked her Can you turn it on? She was really laughing by now she said of course I can turn it on. It was at that point that I had the joy of seeing her eyes light up with the hope of possibility. When I said then you if you can do all those simple things. You can you have a blender, you can throw some nuts in, you can throw some water in, you can make some delicious net milk. And I'm here to tell you, it really is just that simple. These are the things you need to understand. It's not that this journey is hard. You just don't know what you don't know. But once you have somebody who can show you what to do, and show you how simple it is, and help you figure out ways to incorporate it into your life that are easy, that tastes great. And that work for you. And that you enjoy. You can do this forever. And now it's time for you to meet our very special guest. Her name is Kate and she is a plant milk master. Welcome, Kate.


Kate first we want to thank you for coming in. We are so excited to have you here today. How was your trip in today?


Um, fine. I didn't even go anywhere. I live here.


Oh, you live here? Well, how do you know Jarrod and Anita?


Because, you're my parents, and we live in the same house.


Oh, okay. All right. Well, as Anita or mommy introduced you, you are a nut milk master. Tell us about your favorite nut milk. What do you use for your favorite nut milk?


I use, normally, cashews. I like cashews. Sometimes I do pecans or walnuts. And I do sometimes a little date and salt and water. And that's pretty much it.


So those are the main ingredients.




So what type of blender do you use.


I use a Vitamix,


VitaMix. Okay.


And what other types of blenders do you recommend? Are there any special ones that just work perfectly for nut milks?


really well. And they blend everything up. So it's smooth.


Yeah, 'cause otherwise, you'd have nut chunk, right?


It wouldn't be nut milk anymore.


Yeah, that's really important to get a smooth nut milk. Now, some people do blend. I think when they do not melt, they do use a net melt bag. But that's a messy process. And we don't want to get into all that doing plus might remove some of the good stuff. What's the good stuff you'd want to keep in there and you not want to drain your nut milk for that reason? What do you think? Is there some read something that would stay in there?




Yeah, probably some vitamins and maybe fiber?




All right, Kate, now tell us how old are you?


Eight years old.


And how long? Have you been making nut milk?


Um, maybe about a year,


Year, maybe longer? Does anybody need any special training?




Is there any kind of college degree that they need?




No. Do you think it's pretty simple?


Yeah. Even kindergarteners, or first graders could do it probably.


Well, we know your schedule is busy and you have plenty of things to do. And we really appreciate you spending your time here with us today. One last question, what are some of your favorite ways of using nut milk?


I like using it in chia pudding, oatmeal. Sometimes I do it in raw oatmeal, or cooked. And, I like just drinking it sometimes.


Those all sound like delicious ways to enjoy your net milk. And you know what else I love about you know, I love when you make your nut milk, you don't just always keep it for yourself. You share it a lot of times with other people. And I think that's really special.


Thank you.


Well, thanks again for joining us today. We've loved having you on Smarter Healthy Living. And, we hope you'll come back again soon.


I will.


And, there you have it straight from an eight-year old plant milk master. This amazing way of life really can be just that simple. Thanks for joining us today. Press that subscribe or follow button right now so you don't miss any upcoming episodes and then check out the show description to get your free copy of our original recipe for two minute homemade nut milk. We know you'll love it and we look forward to seeing you next time on smarter healthy living.