Power On Plants | Meal Prep Ideas, Plant Based Diet, Vegan Food, Fatigue, Blood Pressure, Cholesterol, Healthy Food, Vegan Recipes, Weight Loss, Christian Healthcare

279: Eating Healthy on the Go: Quick Plant-Based Travel Tips for the Busy Life

โ€ข Jarrod Roussel, PA-C and Anita Roussel, BSN โ€ข Episode 279

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Feeling like you're running a marathon in life's daily hustle? ๐Ÿƒโ€โ™‚๏ธ Jarrod and I get itโ€”we've been there, juggling commitments and barely stopping to catch our breath. But don't worry,...in this episode, we're serving up the tips and strategies to keep your body fueled with tasty whole food plant-based options, even when life has you sprinting. ๐ŸŒฟ

Join us for an honest conversation about our own food highs and lows, and learn how to grab quick, nutritious bites on the go. Whether you're on a vacation road trip or rushing through your busy daily routine, we've got you covered with healthy snacks that are quick, simple, and satisfy!

Learn the easy way to say goodbye to the habit of fast food drive-throughs and hello to guilt-free nutrition that keeps you energized and unstoppable. The plant based tips and strategies that we're sharing are practical and will help you make the plant based diet sustainable even on your busiest days. ๐Ÿ™Œ๐Ÿผ

So grab your earbuds, hit play, and let's stride into a lifestyle that's as vibrant as you've always dreamed!

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๐Ÿฅฃ Grab our Cookbook Bundles today to learn the simple way to make whole food plant-based eating quick, enjoyable, and sustainable.

๐Ÿค” Wondering what's in our Thrive Cookbook? Click here for the inside scoop!

Speaker 1:

Hey there, sunshine. Jared and I know that you are busy and often on the go, and when you are, what do you eat? Today, we're sharing with you one big tip of how you can make travel successful. Stick with Whole Food, plant Base and still enjoy it. Hey sister, welcome to the Power On Plants podcast. Are you tired of staring into the fridge wondering what to eat so you can just feel better? Do you want to avoid spending hours in the kitchen making complicated meals in the name of health? Would you love to leave fatigue behind and finally have the energy to do all the things you want to do?

Speaker 1:

Hi, we're Jared and Anita Riesel, christ followers, health care professionals, parents of four and big fans of great tasting food. We, too, tried exercising more, eating natural and clean foods, but we still found ourselves struggling with what we thought were changes that come with age or bad genes, and we weren't finding answers to traditional routes. So we dug into the research and created our secret nutritional weapon sustainable plant base living. The truth is, you can eat more whole plant foods and it's not hard. You just need the way. That's realistic and delicious so you never feel deprived If you're ready to enjoy your meals. No longer be held back by your health struggles and actively live your life, then you're in the right place. So grab your favorite plant based cup of happy pop in those earbuds and let's get started.

Speaker 1:

Hey friend, like Jared and I said in the intro, we get how busy life can be. You're often on the go, running here or there to maybe appointments or somewhere with your children or to meet up with friends and family. There's always something on the, there's always something happening. Maybe you're traveling and you're taking a trip, or maybe you're just traveling around town. This can apply to both. When you're out and about and you need something healthy to eat, you're feeling snacky, you're peckish and you're wondering what in the world can I eat? A left home without anything? First of all, don't do that. Set yourself up for success by taking a purse snack with you or a big bag of snacks. We'll do that sometimes, but maybe you just didn't have time today, so you've hit the road. You don't have your favorite drink in your cup of happy, like you should. You didn't grab a snack before you went out the door, or maybe you didn't know you were going to be gone this long. And you're out and you're thinking man, my blood sugar feels low it happens.

Speaker 1:

I do not feel good. This is reality. What am I going to do? And there's that fast food calling your name. That fast food drive through and it's saying come on over here.

Speaker 2:

It's so easy. You used to like me. Yeah, you used to like me. We used to be best friends.

Speaker 1:

It's so easy, it's so quick and it's going to make you feel terrible and then you're going to regret it. I would not call it food hangover.

Speaker 2:

I mean people ask us.

Speaker 1:

They think we're talking about alcohol but really it's a food hangover, all these addictive foods that are terrible for you. They inflame you the minute you start eating them and you think it tastes great and we've talked about this before. We call them good. That was so good. You eat it. It tasted good to you, so you say it was good. But we've got to reframe what we're saying is good, that is not good.

Speaker 2:

And I would say, even if you think it tastes good, because now those foods to us don't taste good but, even if in that moment you think, oh, I remember this. You're going to regret it. Don't do it.

Speaker 1:

That's why we're sharing this tip with you today, because you're thinking what do I do when I'm in that situation? Then I mean, if I'm not supposed to wheel into the drive through because it's quick and easy, what can I do? Well, we're going to share with you one thing that's just as quick and easy to do today. Try to whip in your car into the drive through. Whip your car into the grocery store. It doesn't take you any longer than waiting in that line. It doesn't.

Speaker 1:

If you have an idea of some of the things we're going to share with you today, of what you can grab, and then, as you do your regular shopping, start intentionally looking for those snacks that you can take on the go, that you can stop easily grabbing it in your car, because you're gonna think of other things that we're not even gonna mention today. There are so many options here, but pull in and do things like what we've done in the past. We go straight to the hummus section and we will look for a hummus that is low oil or, better yet, no oil, oil-free hummus. There are several brands out there.

Speaker 2:

And we did this just a couple days ago actually, we did this is very tip.

Speaker 1:

We're sharing with you the real stuff. This is what we do. This is what we share here. We get more in depth into our course and into our masterminds and communities, because we can. We have time to do that, but we've gotta get you started here. You've got to start getting results. We don't want you to wait. Start today.

Speaker 1:

So you wheel in, you walk in and you look for the oil-free hummus. Maybe you don't know which brands are needed. I don't know which brands. I don't know what to look for. I don't have time for looking at everyone While you're there just doing your regular shopping during the week. The next time, start looking. Start turning them over and looking for what your store carries that has the least oil, the least salt, the least sugar. But I would say look for no oil, because it is inflammatory. It caused so many problems for me in my past. We've seen it cause many problems for clients as well, and we want to save you from that. So let's look for the oil-free brands.

Speaker 1:

If you're not sure where to find those or which brands are oil-free, get inside Podcasts and Siders. Experience our free group and start asking each other and sharing. Here is the oil-free hummus I use If you already have one, that's awesome. Get in there and share it. You're gonna help. So many people Ask and share these things with each other at powerandplantscom forward slash P-I-E. That's powerandplantscom forward slash pi. It's our free group. It's a wealth of information. It's a great place to share these products that you're eating.

Speaker 1:

Maybe you can say well, I already have a hummus, but I need to know what's everybody else swinging in and getting from the grocery store instead of sitting in that line waiting for the fast food. That's gonna make them feel terrible, hang on to weight, increase inflammation, be hurting the rest of the trip. We don't want that for you. There's no reason for that. So you have to start making these choices ahead of time. This is what I'm gonna do if I get hungry, I'm gonna find a store, because even if you're on a long road trip, a lot of exits that are gonna have the drive-thrus will have some kind of local store there that you can just swing into and get food. And thankfully, these foods are much more readily available today than at any other time in history. I'm talking about hummus. Look, fruits and vegetables have been around since the beginning of time Genesis 129, right, they've been around for us to fuel our bodies. Well, so go and pick up vegetables. Get beautiful, pre-washed, pre-chopped veggies Broccoli's, one, that's readily available.

Speaker 2:

Carrots baby carrots With hummus is amazing. Broccoli with hummus we love it.

Speaker 1:

You know a lot of people eat the carrots or the pre-chopped things like the bell peppers, but we really love broccoli and hummus.

Speaker 2:

You could do celery sticks. You could I mean sometimes you can find those party platters with the pre-chopped veggies.

Speaker 1:

You could just buy a party platter. It depends on how many people are in your party, what you wanna buy, but we've bought, just with the six of us, bags of different veggies. It's still gonna be cheaper, and if it costs you a few more dollars now, I want you to start thinking in terms of long-term cost. Think about it. What's it gonna cost you in your opportunities? Do you want to be around for your children and grandchildren long-term? Do you want to not just be there present, but you wanna actually fully live and experience those days and those important milestones with them? To plant the seeds that you were put there to plant inside those precious little babies. They don't stay babies long. They grow up so fast they do not.

Speaker 1:

Plant the seeds now. And in planting the seeds, if you're a mom and you're breastfeeding your baby, that includes what you're putting into your body now. It doesn't mean be stressed about it or worry about it. Get a lot of color, get a lot of whole foods. Find your new favorites. That is the big key. But when you're at that place and you're outrunning errands and you've got things to do, get those nutrients into your body. Get color, think color. Broccoli, bright green, beautiful carrots, orange, gorgeous rainbow carrots, red, yellow, purple all different colors. There's so many options there. Don't just eat one color or colorless. Eat them all. And this is so simple and it's so quick to do. Get these pre-chop, pre-prepared veggies, fruits. Grab bananas, grab oranges, grab apples. They're very easy to get.

Speaker 1:

Maybe you left home and you had some leftover hummus, brownie batter, hummus from the Power and Plains Cookbook and you put a little bit in a container in your purse. All you need to do is grab a banana to dip in that or an apple to dip in that. It's so delicious, it's absolutely delicious, anita. I'm not gonna have a knife or anything to slice up my apple. Well, take a bite of it and then take a bite of your brownie batter hummus with a spoon you're always gonna keep in your car. You know why you're gonna always keep spoons in your car For you and your family members? Because you can use it to eat a bite of your brownie batter hummus and then take a bite of your apple, because you can use it to eat yogurt. Buy whole food, plant-based vegan yogurt, but again, turn that over. Is it filled with sugar? Is it filled with colorings and all those things? Get one. That's very simple, the simplest one you can buy, and keep that spoon in your car.

Speaker 2:

You can buy small containers of plastic utensils where they have the forks, spoons, knives in them, and you just keep it in the glove compartment it's always there and then you can wash them. Or if you need to toss it, toss it, just get some more. But it's a great thing to have on hand.

Speaker 1:

And I wanna share one more thing that you might not have thought about, and it's heart of palm. We love just eating these playing. The kids love them. They're wonderful. They come canned. You can open up the can, drain off the liquid and just hold them in your fingers and eat them. It's a great snack. It doesn't take two seconds to run into a store, grab some heart of palm leave and eat it. Now some are in a glass jar. You can open it up.

Speaker 1:

In the event that they're not, you could keep a can opener in your car, a travel one. I mean, that's another thing you could keep in your car so that you have that. So if all they have is canned, you can buy the canned and you've got it right there. I mean, these are super easy. How long would it take you to get spoons and a can opener into your car? Not long at all, but it's gonna set you up for success having these things ahead of time. How long would it take you to write out a list of your favorite snacks that you're gonna keep? Adding to that you can just whip into the store and grab when you're on the road. You could keep that in your glove compartment, so you don't even have to think about what do I usually get, what brand is it, where do I buy it. You just keep those things and set yourself up for success.

Speaker 2:

Because it's hard to have ideas when you're hungry too.

Speaker 1:

It is.

Speaker 2:

I mean, if you're traveling or if you're in your home city and you're just on the go, you're busy and you're in the middle of all that and you think, oh, what do I need? You may not think of it, I mean, you just may have trouble recalling it because of all the things that are going on. So if you pull out your list, like, oh yeah, over here at Publix or over here at Whole Foods or over here at Kroger, I've got this thing that I normally eat, that we love, yeah because you wanna get it and be gone.

Speaker 1:

When the hunger hits, all you're thinking about is feeding you belly. You wanna eat, you're hungry, and it's so much easier to pull your car right into the parking lot of a grocery store, run in, grab what you need and you're done. And, honestly, it can be quicker too. You're going to feel better in the long run, still have a snack that you enjoy and you're not gonna feel guilty or worry about it or be counting calories or keeping up with points All those ridiculous things that just don't have to be and you're setting yourself up for the future that you want. Do everything you do with the present in mind that you want, but also the future that you want, because there are great days ahead for you, sunshine, and we are so here for it. We love having you as a member of the Power On Plants family and here with us on the podcast. If you're getting great value week after week after week, it would mean the world, to me and Jared, to see your message that you leave in Apple Podcast as a review. All you have to do is leave one or two sentences. It literally will take you about one minute to do this, but it would make all the difference to us.

Speaker 1:

We can't wait to hear from you and hear how Power On Plants is changing your life. We love getting your letters. We read every single one, and you might even hear back from us too. There's a very good chance. We do that quite often. We love you, we are praying for you. You are a treasure. God has great plans for your life and we are so happy to be a part of them. Have a great week, sen, sean, and we'll see you soon. Music you.

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