Power On Plants | Meal Prep Ideas, Plant Based Diet, Vegan Food, Fatigue, Blood Pressure, Cholesterol, Healthy Food, Vegan Recipes, Weight Loss, Christian Healthcare

293: Gaining Energy and Mental Clarity: The Power of an Oil-Free, Plant-Based Diet

β€’ Jarrod Roussel, PA-C and Anita Roussel, BSN β€’ Episode 293

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Imagine discovering a simple dietary shift that could dramatically boost your energy and mental clarity. Ten years ago, despite our best efforts with various health measures, we faced persistent lethargy, joint pain, and mental exhaustion.

One of our huge breakthrough moments came when we eliminated oils from our diet, even those considered healthy, like olive oil. We'll take you through that journey and share how even small amounts of oil can cause vessel damage and sluggishness. Plus, hear a compelling story from our community about the surprising benefits of cutting out oil.

Ready to transform your kitchen and your health? We uncover the sneaky ways oils infiltrate your meals and provide practical tips for label reading that you will find helpful when shopping. Dining out doesn't have to be difficult either; learn how to make simple requests that will keep your meals clean. πŸ™ŒπŸΌ

The benefits of a whole food, plant-based, oil-free diet extend beyond reduced inflammation to include increased energy levels and enhanced mental clarity. Discover strategies to subtly introduce these changes to your family (even the kids), improving their diet without resistance and enhancing the natural flavors of healthy food.

Finally, explore the empowering potential of a whole food, plant-based lifestyle in reversing chronic illnesses like high blood pressure, high cholesterol, type 2 diabetes, digestive struggles, and autoimmune diseases. Reject the myth that these conditions can only be treated with medication, and join our supportive community, PIE, for encouragement and answers. 

Hear inspiring success stories like Christy's newfound energy to start a business and Alex's drive to launch his own podcast! We also delve into the metaphor of planting seeds to illustrate how gaining optional health the sustainable way can create a ripple effect that can change lives for eternity! πŸ’ƒπŸ» Join us on this journey to better health and purposeful living. Welcome to Power On Plants! 🌱πŸ’ͺ🏻

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πŸ₯£ Grab our Cookbook Bundles today to learn the simple way to make whole food plant-based eating quick, enjoyable, and sustainable.

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Speaker 1:

Today is such a special day because it's Jared and my 31st anniversary. And guess what we're doing? We're sitting down to tape a podcast episode for you.

Speaker 1:

We absolutely love being a part of your whole food, plant-based journey and hanging out with you, and today we have something so special to share with you. We've been married, like I said, for 31 years, but just 10 years ago, at the time when we were married about 21 years right we were not feeling so great. We were both lethargic, we didn't have energy. I wasn't having to force myself to go to bed at night, not like I do now because I have so much energy. Before I was just praying for my energy to come back and to feel good so I could just live life. I have so many things that God's put on my heart that I wanted to do, and I was just barely surviving the days.

Speaker 2:

That's the word I was thinking Barely surviving at best. That day, you didn't want to think about what tomorrow held, because all you could do is get through today.

Speaker 1:

That's exactly what it was like, and we do not want you to have to go through that, and so today, for our celebration, we want to share with you one thing that made all the difference for us, and this episode has to do with oil. Now, I don't want you to freak out if you're still eating some oil, but you need to hear this, because this can be the key that unlocks everything for you. Hey sister, welcome to the Power on Plants podcast. Are you tired of staring into the fridge wondering what to eat so you can just feel better? Do you want to avoid spending hours in the kitchen making complicated meals in the name of health? Would you love to leave fatigue behind and finally have the energy to do all the things you want to do? Hi, we're Jared and Anita Roussel, christ followers, health care professionals, parents of four and big fans of great tasting food. We, too, tried exercising more, eating natural and clean foods, but we still found ourselves struggling with what we thought were changes that come with age or bad genes, and we weren't finding answers the traditional route. So we dug into the research and created our secret nutritional weapon sustainable plant-based living. The truth is, you can eat more whole plant foods, and it's not hard. You just need the way that's realistic and delicious so you never feel deprived. If you're ready to enjoy your meals, no longer be held back by your health struggles and actively live your life, then you're in the right place. So grab your favorite plant-based cup of happy pop in those earbuds and let's get started.

Speaker 1:

Today. I want to start out talking about my favorite tree. It gives such great food. It comes in plastic bottles. It's amazing. They hang there, these plastic bottles of oil on the oil tree. Can you imagine riding your bike around your neighborhood or going on a walk and seeing oil trees hanging all around? I mean this should be a sign that we don't see oil trees we weren't meant to eat.

Speaker 1:

Pressed out oils from the foods that they're in. God has put so much amazing flavor and nutrition in a whole plant foods, and that includes some fats, very good fats. But when we start pressing out and extracting and changing things up in a massive way, like we do when we get oils yes, even olive oil I know what you're thinking, but even olive oil because we just eat so much of it, you don't even realize how much you're eating and odds are if you think you've stopped eating oil. If you start reading the ingredients label on the products you're using, you are going to be shocked at how many sauces and dried fruits and herbs I'm not kidding you, dried herbs Start looking on the backs of all the things in your pantry and in your fridge. You will not believe how much oil is in there if you haven't already gone through the oil purge, like if you haven't just gotten it out of your life. And the thing is you don't realize that it's harming you or how it's harming your body. You think, okay, I mean whole food, plant-based, surely a little oil is not going to hurt me. I've heard that this kind of oil is healthy and that kind of oil is healthy.

Speaker 1:

But what we know from the studies is that when you eat oil it causes vessel damage. It causes things to get thick in your blood and things to move sluggishly. So how do you feel when you eat oil? You feel sluggish. I don't have any energy and I don't know why Plants are supposed to make me feel so. And then, by the you know two, three o'clock in the afternoon, you're passing out and you don't know why, and your joints still ache.

Speaker 1:

But I've got to share this story with you because when we get to know you inside Podcast Insiders Experience, we absolutely love us. It lights us up and one of the reasons is getting to hear your stories and hear your struggles and find out what you need to know so that we can keep providing the information you need to help you move to the next step. Well, alex and I know you're listening, brother we love having you as a member in Pi. Alex posted recently inside pie and he says this so, even though my wife and I have been doing whole food plant based, we have been consuming an extraordinary amount of oil.

Speaker 1:

I know I know he hears my voice and Jared's voice in the background going don't do it, but, he said but I'm already pretty skinny. So what he's thinking about there is how Jared and I share that when you eat oil, you're adding 120 calories per tablespoon to your meals. Now, I don't know about you, but when Jared and I used to eat oil in dressings and all these different things that we didn't know we were getting it in that I just mentioned a moment ago, like the dried fruits and all these things, but on just the dressings let's just take the dressings and you're drizzling those on. I never just put a teaspoon, a couple of teaspoons, a tablespoon of dressing on my salad, never.

Speaker 2:

Well, we had huge salads, so one tablespoon would never be enough just to coat it. So you're going to drizzle and in your mind, if you think a little is good, more must be better. And if you think about it, four tablespoons is almost 500 calories, which for a typical adult, is about a fourth of your calories. Because they say 2000 calories per day, well, 500, that, right there alone, is a fourth of the calories that a typical adult would consume.

Speaker 1:

So what Alex is telling us in this post that he left inside Podcast Insiders Experience is that he knows that we've taught that stopping the oils can help you to lose extra pounds. It's a very simple way to do that. Once you learn to replace oils, maybe you're thinking, anita, I do need to lose the weight. I'm not like Alex. I do need to drop some pounds, but I don't know how I would cut oil out of my life. Well, I shared some ideas with him about how to do that inside pie. So if you go right now and get inside pie, you can see all of those things that we've shared, plus our previous episodes on oil are all searchable for you. So just go to poweronplantscom forward slash pie. That's poweronplantscom forward slash P-I-E and you can see where I answered his question exactly what I said about simple ways to cut out the oil in your stir fries, and we have some other people who've shared about that as well. But you can also search the episodes and get that information you need about oil. But I want to open your eyes here to the fact that he's been doing whole food plant-based for a while and he didn't feel like he needed to stop oils because he was thinking well, I don't need to drop pounds, so why would I need to stop the oil? And he has a very high metabolism. He shared that as well. So then he says so I've justified and excused it.

Speaker 1:

He goes on to say my wife decided to try not consuming oil to see if it made a difference. And in two days wait, let me stop there. Two days the difference has been significant. All in caps. That's how big the change has been for her. She said every morning she was waking up so stiff and achy and just two days she woke up without that. She was freaking out a little bit and is still having a hard time believing that it's true that only two days without oil can make that quick of a difference. Now let me tell you this was my story. His wife is living my story. Odds are, there are many of you out there that are living my story.

Speaker 1:

Like I said, maybe you're still aching and hurting. Your joints hurt, you ache, you don't feel good, you're sluggish and you think you've cut out the oils. But it's sneaking in somewhere. Start reading those labels better, I'm telling you. Think you've cut out the oils, but it's sneaking in somewhere. Start reading those labels better, I'm telling you you will not believe. And when you go out to eat, you can ask them to hold the oil or cook with less oil. You can do those kinds of things.

Speaker 1:

There's some really easy ways to get around eating oil, and it's just absolutely not necessary for the taste, it's absolutely not necessary for the texture, not even in in baked goods. There are simple ways to replace it. I'm going to be sharing those with you in my upcoming course, but right now, I want you to get your mindset right and understand that there are things that you can do, like starting to read those labels, like getting inside pie and learning those things that I've shared with Alex already about how do you get the oil out, how do you cook without burning your things, without oil. This is super important for you to be able to do, because we want you to feel better, and getting the oil out is a huge key not only for feeling better, not only for gaining energy, not only for gaining mental clarity, but also gaining a clean kitchen. I'm not kidding you. When you don't have oil splatter everywhere and oil from the meats getting up all over your counters, all over your cabinets, it gets there, even when it doesn't pop On what.

Speaker 2:

The range hood.

Speaker 1:

Oh, on the range hood Like. Even when it's not popping and splattering, it still somehow gets into the air and lands on surfaces.

Speaker 2:

It vaporizes in the heat, and then that vapor settles on the range hood after a while, and then it creates that baked-on, almost shellac-type finish that seems near impossible to get rid of.

Speaker 1:

Almost shellac. Seriously, yeah, exactly that's exactly what it is and you didn't even realize it because it's something you just dealt with your whole life and then, when it's gone, this is one of those moments where you just have this reality. I've been dealing with something I didn't have to deal with for so long the pain, the inflammation, the foggy brain and the cabinets. Cleanup is so much easier. You are not going to believe how eating whole food, plant-based, oil-free will change your life and the life of those you love, especially being a mom. Let's say you're a mom and you're cooking for the entire family, but maybe they're not fully on board healthy, plant based yet.

Speaker 1:

You can still get more fruits and vegetables in there. You can still cut oils out of things without announcing it to the entire tribe. Why do you have to say, oh, I tried this without oil this time. Why You're not being deceptive. You just don't have to tell them you left it out. Try it seriously, see if anybody notices a difference. If you learn how to replace it the way that I'm going to be showing you in the upcoming course and in some of the tips and strategies I've already shared for you inside Podcast Insiders Experience you won't believe how many things you can make. People will not even know and what you're doing is for their benefit. It's unbelievable. Yes, you absolutely want to teach your kids you're doing these things and how to do them and how to cook for themselves, but first get them used to eating. Without it. You don't have to announce every single change you're making.

Speaker 2:

They just won't know a lot of these things Because you're still feeding them, you're still providing for them, you're giving them the best.

Speaker 1:

So it's not like you're depriving them of anything.

Speaker 2:

Okay, kids, I'm sorry, I'm not feeding you any oil this time and, like Anita said, if you're not calling their attention to it, they're likely not going to notice much of a difference. Anyway, no. Because oil doesn't add a lot of flavor. Sure, maybe a little, and then the texture, which I don't really like. The texture of the oil now, anyway, oh, it changes and I feel like the oil to some degree has hijacked the flavor of the meal.

Speaker 2:

So in meals now that we don't use it, I taste the flavors better. There are more flavors there that I can sense, like when we do a bolognese sauce. Just that tanginess of the tomatoes, it just seems more tangy to me.

Speaker 1:

And there's a reason for that because the oil is coating the flavors, it's covering it up, it coats everything. So if you think about how it coats everything not only how it affects your health, it affects your ability to taste the other flavors in your food, and so your palate clears out and then, like so many other things, all of a sudden you prefer food without it, because now you can taste all these things you couldn't taste before, and now you don't have all the other physical symptoms that we've just been talking about to deal with. So of course, he goes on to share. I'm over the moon for her. She's also started listening to the podcast. Girl, we love having you join us. We are so excited for you. And then he says this is huge for her because she doesn't generally listen to podcasts. So he says he's so pumped to see such good progress for her.

Speaker 1:

Isn't it amazing how this one simple thing just learning how to get the oil out after today, you know you need to get it out. You know you need to get back into that pantry, back into that fridge and freezer. Start looking at the back of those Simply potatoes. I'm just using that as an example. I'm not saying it's in those, but I know there's a lot of stuff in those that's not. Simply it's not.

Speaker 2:

Simple and it's not just potatoes.

Speaker 1:

Okay. So when somebody tells you on the front of a package, this is simply, this is natural, this is just this. Nine times out of 10, it's not just that Turn it over, like Susan says she always loves it when I say turn that puppy over.

Speaker 1:

Susan, that was for you. Okay. So you got to turn that puppy over and read what is in there, because it is going to affect your body. We want you to have quality of life. You want to know how to do this. We're here to show you how, step by step, you can start learning these things inside podcast insiders. Experience. Get the cookbook. Start cooking these basic, simple meals. Start proving to yourself and your family. Look, I can do some of these things in under five minutes.

Speaker 1:

Isn't it amazing how the enemy was trying to convince me that this was harder to do, that this would take longer, that it wouldn't taste good, and yet I'm learning how to have all my old favorites in a new favorite way that makes me feel just as good or even better. I've been lied to. What else have I been lied to about? And you need to ask yourself those questions, because our enemy is very, very sneaky. His aim, his goal, is to deceive you. It's one of the greatest and only powers he has over you, and once he has you deceived, then he will steal from you steal your health, try to steal your future and keep you from all of God's best in your life. So you're just barely surviving. How can you possibly do all the things that God's put in your heart to do in this amazing world and live to your fullest and enjoy life when you're just barely surviving, when you're aching all over, when you're trying to deal with this diagnosis and that diagnosis and you're spending your time and your days in the hospital and you're taking and trying to figure out how to manage all these medications and all their side effects On a regular basis?

Speaker 1:

Jared works with patients and we both work with our clients, and we see people reverse high blood pressure, high cholesterol, autoimmune disease, gastrointestinal diseases, migraine headaches, type two diabetes. I could go on and on here things that you hear on a regular basis. You're going to have this for the rest of your life. Do not take that on. Do not take that on.

Speaker 1:

That is a lie from the enemy. It does not have to be that way. But if he can get you to believe that lie and think there's nothing you can do but take this med or that med, then he can keep you stuck and you will never seek another solution. Or maybe you think dieting's the answer, right, maybe he convinces you of that, but you know that's miserable, so you don't want to do that either. So again you're stuck One dead end road, another dead end road, another dead end road. You need to understand all these different roads, different avenues, different ways he lies to us and what the lies are that he tells and we're going to be talking about that inside the course so that you can recognize them and break free and get past these hurdles that have been holding you back for so long.

Speaker 2:

The craftiness of this situation, though, is that he doesn't really have to do anything to you, because he's deceiving you and confusing truth with the lie. You are doing it to yourself, unknowingly, but willingly. I feel like that's the worst part of the deception is that we're doing a lot of these things to ourselves, not knowing and even, many times, thinking we're doing the best thing for ourselves when we are not.

Speaker 1:

You're getting me fired up now.

Speaker 2:

You're stirring me up.

Speaker 1:

This is what lights us up. This is why we show up for you week after week while we're inside of Pi, answering questions, providing support, giving you a place to gather with a community of like-minded believers. When maybe you're on your own and you feel like I'm the only one in my family and I don't have any friends who are living this way. It's working for me and I'm starting to feel great, but I really need that support, then Pi is where you need to be. It's a great place to get started and get that support and get your questions answered, because when you can link up with somebody else who's been there before you, it's going to make all the difference for you.

Speaker 2:

And it's important because sometimes we do see where family members will eventually buy into the idea of a whole food plant-based lifestyle. But you're getting started, you're feeling better, you're getting results. That's where you're going to meet resistance, that's where you're going to feel alone. That's whenever this community pie helps, because it now gives you that extra momentum and drive to keep going, because it may take a little longer for friends and family to, like I said, to buy into this whole concept of whole food, plant-based.

Speaker 1:

But don't you think a huge portion of that, don't you think a huge amount of that happens when they start seeing actual changes.

Speaker 2:

Yes, and that's exactly what I wanted to say.

Speaker 1:

And when they can taste the recipes.

Speaker 2:

They see, wow, that's not weird food. Wow, you look amazing. Wow, you've lost a lot of weight. Oh, you've got a new wardrobe because you've lost weight. And now you're going out and hiking three days a week, not just sitting at home watching TV. They will see the difference beyond just that initial change. They'll see a bigger change. But they also see you're sticking with it, like, wow, she's been doing this for six months. I think this may stick Well.

Speaker 1:

And then they see you not dieting anymore, not doing all those crazy things to yourself or having to live for cheat days or count calories or keep up with numbers, like they see you get set free from all these things that we're going to lead you through along the way. I'm free here. I'm free there, I'm free. All of a sudden, you're walking in freedom. All of a sudden you're like Christy, who's listening to us. She's had this dream of starting this certain business and it will help so many people, but she just didn't feel like it until she started working with us, started feeling better, started finding more of her new favorites, and it just made all the difference in her to come inside the community and get that support. And then I think about Alex, who we just talked about. Alex is talking about starting a podcast. God laid something on his heart and, brother, we cannot wait for you to release this to the world. We cannot wait because it is going to be awesome what God is going to do through you. And this is exactly why Jared and I love seeing you all get set free, because you're listening on the other side of a microphone and we can't see you. But when you come inside Pi and we start having those interactions and we get to hear what's happening in your life and others get to hear it, and you get to hear what's happening in other people's lives. It's just going to encourage you and help you to see how you can do this and you are not alone and it really isn't weird or strange and you're set free. You're set free from so many of the lies, so many of the foods that have literally physically kept you stuck, like the oils. Oils are such a game changer when you can get them out of your life. All you need to do is learn some simple steps of how do I quote stir fry? How do I bake? What are these good replacements? Are there new methods I need to use? These things are going to free you up. They're going to free up your budget, they're going to free up your time and they're going to free up your life, because I want you to think more than oh, I just need to take that out and then it won't taste good. Yeah, it's going to taste good. We're going to show you how to make it taste the absolute best. You'll like it even better because, like Jared said, your taste buds are going to change. It is amazing what can happen when you get freed from these foods, but I want you to think about quality of life. This is what makes us different. We are about making this sustainable.

Speaker 1:

When you learn how to make this sustainable and you're doing this for quality of life, for the life that you know that you were intended to have as a child of the Father, your child of the King, as a believer, he has so many amazing things and blessings in store for you. You want to be not only here, but be here for your full life and have that life be abundant and energized and overflowing. Where you're out walking and you're running with your kids and your grandkids and you're traveling and you're going on vacations and you're going on mission strips and you're writing that book that God placed in your heart and you're starting your podcast and you're coaching clients, helping them get through grief. Because you've gone through that in your life, think about all the amazing things that God, through the Holy Spirit, wants to do through you. Once your body finally feels good, once your thinking is finally cleared up, because your blood vessels are no longer clogged, because the food doesn't sit in your digestive tract for days at a time, longer than it's supposed to.

Speaker 1:

This is what this is all about. This is what this is all about. It is not just about finding some new recipes. Yes, we love recipes. Yes, our new cookbook is getting ready to come out very soon. We want you to have the recipes. You need that absolutely in the beginning. But you need more than just recipes. You need a formula, because that formula is going to show you how we went from being exhausted every day, struggling with multiple health problems, losing over 70 pounds together without ever going on a diet, not having to sit in doctor's offices on a regular basis, not taking any medications at 52, healing naturally with the food that God originally intended for us to eat, according to Genesis 129.

Speaker 1:

Get out your Bible and read it. If you haven't read it in the past, you need to know the scripture. These foods fuel our body well. Scripture these foods fuel our body well, literally well. And when we don't go to extremes and pull things out of the foods like pressed out oil, it's amazing. What can clear up in our health. How much more opportunity are you going to have when you finally feel better, when you get your energy back and you can get your life back and you can start energy back and you can get your life back and you can start living and you can start dreaming those dreams again and then start living out your life based on the dreams and the direction that God is giving you.

Speaker 2:

And when you do that, it's not just your life that's changed, but it's so many more other lives that are changed. And when those lives are changed in a positive way, what can they then do? The growth then becomes exponential. So it almost seems kind of selfish to go plant-based and make ourselves strong and vital and healthy.

Speaker 1:

Jared just delivered one of the major gold nuggets of this episode, because the truth is, this life is not just about you. God wants to work through you to help so many others. You were born to be in relationship. You were born to have a relationship with Father through Yeshua. That's why Jesus came to bring us back to the Father, so that we can have the relationship we were always meant to have since the beginning. From the garden, and by having that relationship, he's then able to flow through us to touch the lives of others. How is that going to happen if our bodies are in disrepair?

Speaker 2:

And by being in a position where you then can plant seeds in other people, then those seeds will take root, those trees will grow, they will then produce fruit. I've heard it said you can count the number of seeds in an apple, but you can't count the number of apples in a seed. And that is this, because we're an apple, we have seeds in us, but if those seeds never get planted, we only have them within us, they just stay here. But when we can plant those in others, they develop the fruit from what we've shared with them. Then they plant seeds in others and then now you have a massive orchard and lives are being changed again, like I said, exponentially. It just it's mind blowing.

Speaker 1:

That is kingdom expansion, that is kingdom living and that is what you were made for. We could not be happier to be a part of your whole feed plant-based journey. We have loved spending more time with you today and we cannot wait to get to know you better inside of Podcast Insider's Experience. Come on over and join us right now at poweronplantscom forward slash P-I-E. That's poweronplantscom forward slash pie. We will see you there, sunshine, and I hope you have a fantastic week. Thank you.

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