Power On Plants | Meal Prep Ideas, Plant Based Diet, Vegan Food, Fatigue, Blood Pressure, Cholesterol, Healthy Food, Vegan Recipes, Weight Loss, Christian Healthcare

294: From Bland to Grand: How to Elevate Your Plant-Based Cooking with Fresh Herbs

โ€ข Jarrod Roussel, PA-C and Anita Roussel, BSN โ€ข Episode 294

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Are you ready to transform your plant-based meals from bland to grand? In today's episode, we're spilling all the secrets to making your dishes not just healthy, but irresistibly flavorful.

Join us for a laugh as we share a hilarious basil paste blunder that taught us the importance of tasting new ingredients before using them in recipes.

We'll bust the myth that plant-based eating is limited to boring salads and show you how the right seasonings can turn your meals into culinary masterpieces. Discover the taste explosion that fresh and dried herbs can bring, and learn how to reduce waste by using whole herb plants. Our simple tips will elevate your cooking in a fun and enjoyable way.

Find out how to spot the healthiest organic herb plants in your supermarket and uncover the life-changing benefits of growing your own herbs the simple, time-saving  way. We'll also share a personal story about running out of sage at the worst possible moment and how our homegrown herbs saved the day!

Packed with practical advice on incorporating fresh herbs into your whole food plant-based meals, this episode will ensure your dishes are always bursting with flavor.

And donโ€™t miss out on joining our free group, PIE! Swap herb finds and cooking ideas with plant-based friends who will support and encourage you on this amazing journey to feeling your best. 

๐ŸŽง Tune in and let's make your plant-based cooking deliciously unforgettable!

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๐Ÿ›๏ธ Grab our favorite reusable tote bags here!

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Hey there, Sunshine. Today we're sharing with you one of the easiest and most tasty ways to spice up your plant-based meals. Let's get to it, hey sister. Welcome to the Power on Plants podcast. Are you tired of staring into the fridge wondering what to eat so you can just feel better? Do you want to avoid spending hours in the kitchen making complicated meals in the name of health? Would you love to leave fatigue behind and finally have the energy to do all the things you want to do?


Hi, we're Jared and Anita Roussel, Christ followers, healthcare professionals, parents of four and big fans of great tasting food. We, too, tried exercising more, eating natural and clean foods, but we still found ourselves struggling with what we thought were changes that come with age or bad genes, and we weren't finding answers the traditional route. So we dug into the research and created our secret nutritional weapon sustainable plant-based living. The truth is, you can eat more whole plant foods and it's not hard. You just need the way. That's realistic and delicious so you never feel deprived.


If you're ready to enjoy your meals, no longer be held back by your health struggles and actively live your life, then you're in the right place. So grab your favorite plant-based cup of happy pop in those earbuds and let's get started. Hey there, friend, we are so happy to have you join us today. I want to share a little story with you about something that happened that was kind of gross. Back in the day, I had sent Jared to the store to get some basil for me because I was making some dish. I don't even remember what it was.


It's been a little while.


Yeah, it was even prior to our plant-based days. And he comes home with this tube of basil paste and I'm looking at it going. What is this?


I think in my defense the tube said something about fresh basil.


Fresh, you know, if it says fresh on there, it's gotta taste good, right?


It definitely did not say gross. You're gonna be disappointed on the package.


I think you knew I wanted fresh for that specific recipe and you couldn't find the little plastic packets that they have, like the little box packets that you find in the produce section. They were out and so you grab those. In your defense it did say fresh. So in your defense you thought you were getting the right thing.


And it was greenish man. It didn't look old.


I have never tasted anything like that, when we opened it up and squirted some out to taste it, because you know we had to taste it beforehand because it was different. We just wanted to make sure it was so gross I don't know how to explain the flavor of it and it had other ingredients in it.


Go figure, we kind of glossed over this. This is actually a helpful tip If there's something new that you haven't tried before and you're putting it into a dish that you've invested a little bit of time in, sample the ingredient first so that it doesn't ruin the entire dish.


It's a game changer. What if we had squirted that all in our dish? I don't even remember what we were making, but I'm pretty sure we took that tube of basil-ish stuff back to the store. It was not good. But the important thing is, with whole food, plant-based living, you want to be getting the seasonings and flavors onto your food. Why is it that some people come into plant-based and all they can think about is plain salads? I mean, have you ever been in that situation where you're just thinking, well, it's rabbit food, it's salad. I mean, you hear these kind of crazy things. I hear it from my patients.


I mean, that's really what they think of when they think of plant-based, because that is what they eat on their plate beside their big hunk of meat or whatever other animal product that they're eating.


So we say this all the time you don't know what you don't know, and we didn't know how to season it. We thought somehow it was different or foreign and they weren't foods that we ate all the time as main dishes. We were used to eating plants on the side. We might have sprinkled a little salt or pepper on those back in the day, but we didn't think about seasoning them up. But here's what you got to think about. If you're eating meats or animal products, nine times out of 10, you're putting something on there. If you're slapping a steak on the grill, you're putting something on there. If you're slapping a steak on the grill, you're putting some kind of marinade on that. Same thing with chicken.


Anytime you're making it, you're not eating it plain, or a spice blend or some type of, like you said, marinade sauce. Even if you're just putting some ground black pepper on there, you're putting something on it usually.


And it's the same with your plant-based dishes. You want to treat them the same way in that you want to get flavors. Now, some of the flavors that you're going to get on there are going to be different, because we want you to think about getting what's fresh. Getting whole plants on there. Does it matter if they're dried or they're fresh? No, eat dried herbs. Eat fresh herbs and spices, but get them on to your dishes. I would say eat both, jared and I eat both. Why? Because they have different flavor profiles. Whenever possible, reach for fresh herbs, because you will not believe the different flavor profile you are going to get.


So that makes you think of if you're like most people, okay, fresh herbs, those little packets either the soft plastic packets or the packets that are hard plastic, that are like the little boxes Maybe you're smart and you're starting to see hey, I can get away from the plastics and not fill the landfill with those things because you want to reduce waste. We all want to reduce waste. That makes perfect sense. Do that? That's being a good steward of the earth. Then you may go to the cut herbs, the fresh cut herbs that are there in your produce section. Look for those. That's a great move to make, from buying those little packets to the bundles of the fresh herbs. They might be held together with a little rubber band, something like a twist tie. So that's the next move. But then we want you to think about. Especially in this episode, we want to point out the fact that there is a better way to get your fresh herbs. Now maybe you're not a gardener and maybe you think I don't have a green thumb, but I'm going to tell you herbs are some of the easiest things you can ever grow. Now maybe you're thinking I don't know how and what spices would be the best for this dish or that dish if I was going to buy herbs to grow. Our free group podcast, insiders experience is the perfect place for you to ask these questions. So get inside right now at power on plantscom forward slash pie. That's power on plantscom forward slash pie and ask those questions which herb do you put on this, which herb do you put on that? That's going to help you to start to love this way of living, because you're going to have those flavors that you like and it's going to be good flavor combos, because you can ask somebody who's gone before you, who's already tried these things, who knows? And if you can cut out that learning curve, you will not believe how much joy it's going to bring you and how much time it's going to save you, because you're not going to have to trial and error it. You're going to know exactly what to do. So pie is the perfect place to learn those flavor pairings that are going to light up your taste buds.


But the great news is, herb plants can grow well in really small spaces. You can grow them in containers. You don't even necessarily have to make a bed to grow them. We grow all of our herbs in containers. That's how easy it is to do.


So we want to issue a simple challenge to you today to start adding herbs and, at this time of the year, fresh ones to every main meal. This is going to save you so much time. Think about it If you have to go to the store every time you need a fresh herb to add to something, you're going to have to get into your car. Drive to the store, get the thing. Come back home If you had a plant that was already growing and they grow so quickly that you could just snip off of and it had roots attached and it was in some dirt and you watered it from time to time, literally. That's how easy it is. We've got to get over the stinking thinking that things are difficult. This is not difficult If you have a small space, even if you're in an apartment and you have a small little balcony or something you can grow herbs.


Even if you don't have a balcony, if you have a bright window, you can grow these things. It's very, very simple, that's true. You just need some good soil, some light, some water and you're in business. And they stay perpetually fresh. Because you could buy some of these fresh herbs in the plastic containers, put them in your fridge. They'll stay okay for a little while. But if you forget about it, go to make the dish and you realize oh, just like you're saying, I've run out of this, it's all dried up, it's not?


what I need now.


Now I do have to go to the grocery store and grab some more.


So that saves you time and frustration, but it's also going to save you money because you don't have to keep buying that thing over and over and over again. You bought it one time and it's going to keep growing and living and producing for you. You cut off of it, you prune it back, you use it in your dish and, lo and behold, a few days later, you have more plant to use. It's amazing and it's so easy. Why aren't we doing these simple things? That's why we wanted to bring you this episode today, because we want you to keep thinking about just how simple these things can be.


We get in our mind if I buy herbs, then I have to make raised beds and I have to do a garden. I'm doing the gardening thing every day. I'm out there watering it and doing all this stuff, and it's just not that difficult. It does not have to be that way. Do not start, if you're not a gardener, digging up and plowing up your yard to make a big herb garden.


Start in containers. Make it simple for yourself so that you're likely to do it and enjoy it. These are going to last you longer, like we said, so you're going to also have less waste going into the landfill because you're not buying plastic container, another plastic container, another plastic container, or buying the ones that aren't in the plastic container and oh, you've left your bags in the car, so now it's in a plastic bag. Going out to your car, get eco bags, keep them in your purse. They work amazingly well. We'll drop a link for you in this episode description of my favorite ones. We use these things for everything traveling all the time, but they're great to take to the store. They roll up, they fit in your purse.


They'll fit in your hand, guys. I mean, they're just so easy. We've had ours for years.


It's amazing. We use them for everything.


All right, I have a question. I don't live near a nursery. It's amazing we use them for everything. All right, I have a question. I don't live near a nursery. Where am I going?


to get these fresh herbs. Here's the thing you think I've got to make this big trip to the nursery. Your local home improvement store and then try to find them in the home improvement store and then you're wanting to pull your hair out because you cannot wait to get out of the home improvement store.


Maybe you don't like those. You're a little intimidated by it. You can't find the area you want.


You just want to get out of there but most grocery stores now carry these herb plants. And how many times have you walked by them because you have not been looking for them? Trust me, I did it for years. I walked by and never noticed the full herb plants because I was looking on the walls where they keep the fresh herbs it's odd how we have these theseers on to these things around us, because we go in focus for this one item that we want to get, or maybe a few.


But you see, and I would say, I've seen these plants there and I've just thought, okay, that's nice, they're these little plants that the store is trying to sell, never really connecting the two dots until we did.


Right. And now we see and think oh well, I could buy it on the shelf where it's been picked already fresh but picked, or I can get it where it's in this container of dirt. It's still living right now, so if I pick it it's at the peak of freshness, so it's going to have all the vital essence in the plant.


And that is what you want, and the flavors are amazing and you don't have to make more trips to the store and you're saving on the plastics and things that are going into the landfill. And it will continue to produce for you time and time again. What if you buy a plant and it's just a couple of you in the household and you don't use it quick enough and it gets overgrown and it's getting too big? Trim some of it back and put it in a dehydrator or leave it out to dry, and you'll have dried herbs that you can put into a jar and use time and time again, share with a friend or neighbor.


I love that idea. You could absolutely do that, and you know what that made me think of, something else, too, that I wasn't even planning on sharing, and it just popped into my mind when you said that they make incredible gifts for people. If you want to give somebody something, giving them herbs, a couple of herb plants that they can season their food with, that is a great gift. And what if you're looking for a gift for somebody who's plant-based? Fantastic gift for a plant-based friend, it really is the gift that keeps on giving.


As long as you keep it watered, as long as you keep it watered.


So the point there is look around you for things you're missing on a regular basis in your supermarket and be intentional about finding the fresh herb plants that are in the stores you already frequent. A lot of times there'll be a display of herbs right by the door when you walk in. Check it out. Look for the herbs that look healthy, that aren't brown, that are thriving and growing, and grab one and try it. As always, we recommend organic. Why not? I mean, if they have organic and non-organic, get the organic. It's there and most of the stores carry organics now.


I think I've seen both, but most of them they're organic, yeah, and you will, I think, be surprised by the variety that you see there, because it's not just basil, but I've seen basil, thyme, oregano, rosemary, maybe parsley sage all of those in the grocery store, not the big box stores.


This leads me to a story that demonstrates another reason why it's fantastic to be growing your own fresh herbs Every Thanksgiving. When you go to the store and you need sage, it's gone. Have you ever experienced that? Our oldest daughter and I went shopping last Thanksgiving. We needed sage. How in the world was I out of sage at Thanksgiving? I don't know and I'm thinking where is it? And I was telling her about this episode and she said Mom, do you realize that because we grow fresh sage now, we don't have to worry about that when Thanksgiving comes, if it looks like it's dying back for the fall or whatever. Just dry some of your sage before it dies back and you'll have all the sage you need.


There's no need to run out of these things that you use on a regular basis, especially if you know something like that's coming up, to run out of these things that you use on a regular basis, especially if you know something like that's coming up. So take our mistake and learn from it. Use it If you're going to buy it dried, and by all means be using your dried herbs too. If you're going to buy it dried, get it ahead of time. Don't wait till a couple of weeks before Thanksgiving, because the shelves are going to be bare. It's almost like going to the store when a big storm's coming in Florida and it's going to be gone. Or if you live like where we used to live in Chattanooga, if a snowstorm threat came I'm talking flurries, even flurries are coming. The shelves are going to be empty of those things Water, batteries and toilet paper.


And it's the three things that went first.


Yeah, and it's the same thing with Thanksgiving Get your sage ahead of time and the best way is to grow it, and that's not something people typically think of growing. I think a lot of people don't even use it. Why are we just using sage at Thanksgiving? Sage is absolutely wonderful on so many dishes.


Well, it's a great way to replicate some of the sausage flavors that we no longer are using, because we're not using the sausage, but we take the sage fennel, some of these other spices and we can replicate those flavors, which is what you want with whole food plant-based, because I tell my patients all the time people don't hate whole food plant-based, they hate disgusting food and unfortunately some of the recipes they found have been very basic, maybe in their mind just like a plain side salad. But if you bump up the flavors and you get it where it's really hearty, you can enjoy it for a lifetime.


Absolutely. If you don't see a display outside the store, look on the end caps in the store. End caps in the produce section is what I mean, like at the very ends, where the produce sits in the center of the produce section.


A lot of times you see it there Like where they have the apples and potatoes. Yeah, at the very ends, yeah.


That's where you find them a lot of times. And if you don't see them, ask someone who's working in the produce section where they keep their live herbs, because nine times out of ten they will have them. You just may be missing it. Now you're going to be looking for these things. You're not going to miss them.


Get inside Pi, our free group. Ask your questions about how do I use these herbs and spices. Poweronplantscom forward slash P-I-E. And when you come in there, I want you to take a picture of the herb plant that you bought, one or more and share them and ask how do I use this? What do I do? Or you can share one way you're going to use it. It's such fun to gain ideas from each other. It is going to skyrocket you to plant-based success and joy.


Get these flavors onto your food and by all means, if you're not using fresh herbs and spices, start doing it. It is not the same as dried. Use both. Dried is convenient at times. There are certain things you can't buy fresh in your area, or maybe even grow in your area. Get the things you can grow and get them. Your area, or maybe even grow in your area. Get the things you can grow and get them on your food. You're going to thank us. The explosion of flavor is so worth the little amount of time and effort it takes to pick up that plant, pop it into your cart at your local grocery store, bring it home, give it a little water and trim it up. From time to time, get it into your food. We can't wait to see your post inside pie and hear about your fantastic find of which fresh herb you're going to try. Have a great week, sunshine, and we'll see you next time on Power on Plants, thank you.

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