Power On Plants | Meal Prep Ideas, Plant Based Diet, Vegan Food, Fatigue, Blood Pressure, Cholesterol, Healthy Food, Vegan Recipes, Weight Loss, Christian Healthcare

295: Reconnecting with Favorite Plant-Based Meals for Increased Energy and Joy 🌱

Jarrod Roussel, PA-C and Anita Roussel, BSN Episode 295

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Ever wonder how revisiting old favorite meals can reignite your whole-food, plant-based journey? Buckle up for this exciting episode, where we dive into a heartwarming tale from our 31st anniversary getaway that will help you make plant-based living more enjoyable and beneficial! 

During our time away, we stumbled upon a charming organic, oil-free, plant-based restaurant that became the highlight of our getaway. We’re sharing all about the beauty of quality time with those you love and the thrill of discovering local dining treasures that align with your healthy lifestyle.

Next, we’ll explore how rekindling past healthy habits can fill you with energy and vitality (no need for energy drinks!) and set the stage for long-term optimal health. 

Imagine feeling rejuvenated and excited about your plant-based lifestyle again—because you can!

🌱 Tune in to learn how to reconnect with the routines that once made you thrive and uncover the simplest ways to find new favorite healthy meals that keep your plant-based journey fresh and enjoyable.

We’re also dishing out details about the benefits that await inside our free community, Podcast Insider's Experience (PIE), packed with tailored tips and resources to supercharge your whole food plant-based journey.

And that’s not all—get an exclusive sneak peek of our upcoming course, designed to make your whole food, plant-based lifestyle simple, enjoyable, and sustainable. 

Imagine living your most vibrant, healthy, and joyful life. Together, we can make it happen. Ready to feel your best? Press play, and let's thrive together! 🎧

🎁 Not yet a member of our FREE plant-based community? Once you're on the inside, every single podcast episode becomes searchable for you. 😲 Join us to gain the plant-based encouragement, real health-changing ideas, and sustainable plant-based inspiration you've been hoping for! 💕

🥣 Grab our Cookbook Bundles today to learn the simple way to make whole food plant-based eating quick, enjoyable, and sustainable.

🤔 Wondering what's in our Thrive Cookbook? Click here for the inside scoop!

Speaker 1:

Well, hello there, sunshine.

Speaker 1:

Jared and I are so happy to have you joining us for another episode of Power on Plants. We love showing up for you and sharing how incredible, enjoyable and delicious whole food, plant based living can and should be. It's not hard, it's just new or a little different from what you're used to when you eat the standard American diet. That's why we keep showing up to share with you how simple, enjoyable and tasty this way of living can be, because it can transform everything for you. Now, if you've been with us for long, you know how important finding your new favorites is. This is something we talk about all the time, and there's a reason for that, because finding your new favorites is key to making whole food, plant based living sustainable for you. If you're not yet completely comfortable with finding your new favorites or you think you know I'd love to learn more about that you'll want to come into our free group podcast insiders experience at poweronplantscom forward slash PIE, because in there you can search every single episode. What does that mean for you? You can go into the search box and type in your new favorites, or just new favorites. It is going to pull up every time, in every single episode that we've said new favorites or finding your new favorites. And not only will it pull up episodes where it's the title or part of the title, it will pull up exactly where we've said those phrases for you, so that you get the exact information you need when you need it. This is game changing. But on today's episode, we're not talking about finding new favorites. We're going to share with you how to revisit the old. This is just as important, and we can't wait to get this information to you. Here we go.

Speaker 1:

Hey sister, welcome to the Power on Plants podcast. Are you tired of staring into the fridge wondering what to eat so you can just feel better? Do you want to avoid spending hours in the kitchen making complicated meals in the name of health? Would you love to leave fatigue behind and finally have the energy to do all the things you want to do? Hi, we're Jared and Anita Roussel, christ followers, health care professionals, parents of four and big fans of great tasting food. We, too, tried exercising more, eating natural and clean foods, but we still found ourselves struggling with what we thought were changes that come with age or bad genes, and we weren't finding answers the traditional route. So we dug into the research and created our secret nutritional weapon sustainable plant-based living. The truth is, you can eat more whole plant foods and it's not hard. You just need the way. That's realistic and delicious so you never feel deprived. If you're ready to enjoy your meals, no longer be held back by your health struggles and actively live your life, then you're in the right place. So grab your favorite plant-based cup of happy pop in those earbuds and let's get started. Hey there, sunshine, welcome to this episode. We are so happy to be hanging out with you again.

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If you're the type of podcast listener who skips through the intro, realize that we share a lot of very important information there, and this episode is no exception to that rule.

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So you need to go back and listen to the intro of this before you continue on. Now that you've heard the intro, you know what we're going to be talking about and you have all the information you need, so you don't miss out on the things we've already talked about that are going to be crucial to your long-term sustainability with whole food, plant-based living. Today we're talking about something that we really haven't talked about before, but it came up on a recent trip, when I surprised Jared and took him to the beach for our 31st anniversary. Now, he had no clue that we were going to do this and, if you don't know, we have four children, our oldest of whom is 19 years old. I am embarrassed to share this, but y'all know we're all about being real, so I'm just going to tell you right now it has been 19 plus years that Jared and I have gotten away overnight together.

Speaker 2:

Together. That's important.

Speaker 1:

By ourselves.

Speaker 2:

Sometimes we've had to make some trips separately, but together overnight, without children.

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Without children. Can you believe that? That is insane. Why do we wait so long? Do not do that to yourself. This is crucial for your marriage. It is so important.

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We came back, we were refreshed. We talked about stuff we hadn't talked about in ages. We have new plans. We were so creative. The course was coming together even more quickly while we were there. It just was such an incredible time.

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Listen, get together, even if it's a staycation. Get away with your spouse if you're married without the children involved, even if it's a staycation and you're only 30 minutes away. We didn't go far because we had other things coming up that week, but we got away to a place where we could get our feet on the ground, get outside together, take strolls together, discover new restaurants together. Oh my goodness y'all. We found the best place to eat in our area. They have some incredible vegan, whole food, plant-based options, but that's not all. They have many oil-free ingredients and they also carry mostly organic. It may be all organic. I'm actually thinking it's all organic. We asked questions about everything we got and I was just in shock. I was floored and let me tell you it makes such a difference when you can find a place like this in your area, and if you can't, you can always have them. Leave things out. I don't want you to get discouraged by this, but I want you to understand that there may be places in your area that you have not discovered yet. Discover them, because it's going to bring you joy.

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So we went in and we ordered. We got some smoothie bowls. They were amazing. They had nut butters with no oils in them whatsoever that were organic. I mean, it was just delightful. And you may think this makes no difference at all, but I'm telling you, getting the oils out are key.

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Getting the highest quality ingredients into your body is huge If you want to feel your best. Stop aching, start having more energy, the energy that you need to get things done in your life, the things that God's put you here and called you here to do. And the way you do that is make daily decisions for yourself. Do not get overwhelmed and start thinking I've got to do everything all at one time. The more you do, the easier it is going to be for you, and we're going to show you exactly how to do that, step by step inside the course, so that you won't get overwhelmed. But sometimes you need to get away, to get clarity of thinking and just have some quiet time to yourself to figure out these important things and discover these new things that are already there for you, that are going to help you get to the next level.

Speaker 1:

And for us, finding this restaurant was one of those things. And after, we had our smoothie bowl and let me tell you, quality makes all the difference, because we did not feel bad afterwards, but not only that it tasted amazing. Honest to goodness, best smoothie bowl hands down we've ever had. We had two different kinds I tried yours, you tried mine. It was delicious. There was a little envy, but it was because they were both so good. Like, how do you choose and have I don't know how many more choices six, seven that we didn't even try?

Speaker 2:

I cannot wait to go back, but we will.

Speaker 1:

It's going to be awesome, but here is the thing. After that I saw the juice shots and I started thinking you know I'm not doing that anymore. Why am I not having those anymore? So I picked one up and bought it. On the way out, the door Drained my juice shot. It was exactly like the kind I used to make. It was anti-inflammatory and immunity shot, so it's hot spicy.

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It had ginger in it and it packed quite a kick. She let me sample it and I thought this is exactly what we used to make. And then the question dawned on us why aren't we still doing this?

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What about our old favorites? Yes, why have we left our old favorites in the dust? I'm going to show you ways that this is not going to happen to you. In the course, we're going to go over, step by step, how to keep from forgetting your old favorites. This is so important, but today I want to share with you the first step. I want you to start thinking and brainstorming.

Speaker 1:

What were those things that I used to do for myself, especially the foods I used to eat that I loved, that were good for me, those habits that I got into? Like, maybe I was juicing a certain juice and I noticed that when I did that, I felt great. But now I'm not juicing anymore. Or maybe I'm not doing that exact same combo. Maybe it's a meal you ate and you just absolutely loved it. It was an old favorite and it was healthy. Oh, it didn't have any oils, it didn't have bad ingredients, it did only take me 5, 10, 15 minutes to prepare. Those are the kind of old favorites you don't want to drop off your radar. So today, this is your key takeaway Take some time to yourself in a quiet space, get away for just a little bit and think about. What are those old favorites, those things I used to do for my body, food wise that made me feel amazing. What were the things that I used to eat? Or maybe it's just even not that long ago, but at the start of your whole food plant based journey that you were doing a couple of weeks or a couple of months ago that you've already forgotten about. Figure out what those things are and get them back into your lives. Start today doing those things for yourself. You won't believe what a huge difference this will make for you and how much joy it will bring. So I'm sitting there drinking this shot, this juice shot, and I'm thinking this is amazing. 10 minutes later, I already feel better. 30 minutes later. Wow, I have so much energy now.

Speaker 1:

As you know, if you followed along on our journey, energy used to be a problem for me. I used to have to force myself to stay awake, and since we've been whole food, plant based and gone all in, I do not have to force myself to stay awake. And since we've been whole food, plant-based and gone all in, I do not have to force myself to go to bed at night anymore. I have so much energy. Jer's going. Look, we got to get up, turn out the light, go to bed. Morning will come soon. Let's go to sleep. You can get up and do this all over again, but there's so much joy in having energy once you've had none but I'm talking like this is next level. When I do the G shots, it is next level. Why did I stop doing that? That's why I looked at Jared and I went. Why did I stop doing this for myself?

Speaker 1:

So what are those things that you used to do for your body that made you feel so great and so energized? Like I said, maybe it was earlier in your whole food plant-based journey. Maybe it was before you started eating whole food, plant-based, but it didn't have any little oil or bad things in it. It was just something you were already doing. What are those things? Get those things back into your life and watch how quickly you start feeling better.

Speaker 1:

So it is time right now, sunshine, to start rediscovering your old favorites and then get inside Podcast Insider's experience and look at finding your new favorites, or new favorites, and it is going to pull you up to every single episode where we've ever talked about finding your new favorites, which also ties in with your old favorites. You're not going to believe how they tie in, but you're going to see the connection when you start listening to these other episodes that it is going to pull up for you, gather in a collection for you, right there at your fingertips. You can get that at poweronplantscom forward slash P-I-E. As soon as you you join, that becomes available for you, and this is an ever growing list of things that you can use. Maybe you're already in pie. We have some amazing members in there and let me tell you how much we love you guys and getting to know you and being a part of your journey and sharing the tips that we share in there and watching you share with each other and start to soar and ask the questions that you need to get answers to and getting your answers. It's amazing for us to see these things happening just inside the free group. I mean, this is life changing.

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But maybe you're already in there and you're not using the search function. A lot of you, I don't know if you're even using the search function that little magnifying glass that's down in the lower right hand corner. Press it and start searching those things you want to know more about and then come back in and share what you've learned Y'all. If you haven't heard this episode, go back and listen to this. You can share things like that. This has changed my life. This is what I've started doing as a result. Here's what I'm going to try. As a result, you start sharing more with each other the things that you're learning from the podcast using that search function. It is going to get you so much farther, so much faster than you could ever go alone Trying to figure all this stuff out. You have almost 300 episodes at this point, and when you're listening to this, it may be 400, 500, 600 episodes, because every episode we create goes into that vault of curated content for you.

Speaker 1:

I don't know anybody else who's doing this. This is our heart for you. I'm not saying we're better. I'm saying God gave us this idea. He wants you to have this. He's laid this at your feet. Going here is the help you've been praying for. Take it, take it and use it. We want to see you using it and getting those results.

Speaker 1:

Now, why wait for the course to come out if it's not out yet? Absolutely. We are going to walk you step by step through everything you need to know, because it's important to get these steps in a certain order and to be able to have the time with us to dive deeper Because I'm going much deeper in the course, because I have more time to do that in a way that is systemized for you to take you by the hand and walk you and say here is step one, just focus on this this week. That's all you need to do. And here are the workbook pages that are going to walk you through it. And here is the community where we're going to dive into each week together, and here I am to do coaching calls with you and we're going to get on live and there's going to be replays if you can't be there.

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I mean we are thinking of every possible way that we could lay this out to make it simple, enjoyable and delicious for you. This is not just I'm going to go whole food plant based on my own, try to figure it out, like Jared and I had to do, and take years and years of our life trying to piece this stuff together, digging into the research, looking at. Is what this person says true? Is that what's true? No, you need to have those solid facts and this stuff is already there to get you started. Come right now and join us inside Podcast Insiders Experience at poweronplantscom.

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Forward slash P-I-E. We cannot wait to see you there and get to know you and get even closer and be more a part of this journey with you. We love seeing your diseases reverse. We love seeing you never develop diseases you do not have yet. And this can all be done naturally with beautiful, enjoyable, delicious whole plant foods. When you know how to make it simple and enjoyable for yourself so that it's sustainable for a lifetime, it's a lifestyle that you love, that you look forward to living every single day. This is going to make all the difference for you. So go right now and join us at poweronplantscom.

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Forward slash P-I-E. If you're already in the group. Start using that magnifying glass and remember also tie in your old favorites. What were my old things that I was doing, that I've stopped doing, that I've stopped enjoying, that are going to take me to the next level. Why did I stop those things? Well, because I stopped thinking about them. You're going to get back into those old habits that were great for you and before long, you're going to start getting results. We've literally seen this happen in as little as one to two days, I'm not kidding. This can change everything for you. What we've shared today, it is gold. Take action on all three of these steps that I've just summarized for you and watch and see, and start walking in the full and vibrant life that you were created to enjoy. Have a great week, sunshine, and we'll see you soon. Thank you.

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