Power On Plants | Meal Prep Ideas, Plant Based Diet, Vegan Food, Fatigue, Blood Pressure, Cholesterol, Healthy Food, Vegan Recipes, Weight Loss, Christian Healthcare

304: Get Out of Your Plant-Based Food Rut Today with these 7 Proven Strategies πŸ’ƒπŸ»

β€’ Jarrod Roussel β€’ Episode 304

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Warning: your taste buds are about to stage a rebellion against the same old boring meals! Are you ready to join the flavor revolution and break free from the plant-based food rut that's been holding you back?

Get ready to ignite your passion for whole food, plant-based eating and transform your meal planning into a simple and delightful adventure! In this episode, we'll share 7 proven strategies to help you discover new, mouth-watering, and easy-to-make recipes that will tantalize your taste buds and energize your life.

From unlocking the secrets of Pinterest and plant-based forums to organizing your digital cookbooks for quick and easy access, we'll take you on a journey to explore the best resources and tips to keep your meals fresh, healthy, and exciting. You'll learn how to find your new favorite recipes, navigate our community's exclusive life-changing resources, and stay inspired and motivated on your plant-based journey.

Whether you're a seasoned vegan or just a whole food plant based beginner, this episode is packed with inspiring new meal ideas, actionable tips, and expert nutrition advice to help you overcome the common challenges of plant-based eating and make meal planning a breeze. 

So grab your favorite plant-based drink, pop in those earbuds, and join us on this flavorful adventure to reignite your love for whole food, plant-based eating!

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πŸ₯£ Grab our Cookbook Bundles today to learn the simple way to make whole food plant-based eating quick, enjoyable, and sustainable.

πŸ€” Wondering what's in our Thrive Cookbook? Click here for the inside scoop!

Speaker 1:

Hey there, sunshine. Are you bored with your meals lately? Use these seven strategies to get unstuck from your food rut today. Hey sister, welcome to the Power on Plants podcast. Are you tired of staring into the fridge wondering what to eat so you can just feel better? Do you want to avoid spending hours in the kitchen making complicated meals in the name of health? Would you love to leave fatigue behind and finally have the energy to do all the things you want to do?

Speaker 1:

Hi, we're Jared and Anita Roussel, christ followers, healthcare professionals, parents of four and big fans of great tasting food. We, too, tried exercising more, eating natural and clean foods, but we still found ourselves struggling with what we thought were changes that come with age or bad genes, and we weren't finding answers the traditional route. So we dug into the research and created our secret nutritional weapon sustainable plant-based living. The truth is, you can eat more whole plant foods, and it's not hard. You just need the way. That's realistic and delicious, so you never feel deprived. If you're ready to enjoy your meals, no longer be held back by your health struggles and actively live your life, then you're in the right place. So grab your favorite plant-based cup of happy pop in those earbuds and let's get started. Have you heard this fact that most people eat about the same nine meals every single month, over and over again, on repeat? That can lead to boredom.

Speaker 1:

Now there's something to be said for having those go-to, tried and true favorites, and we always talk to you about keeping your new favorites list. If you don't know how to do that, go right now to Podcast Insiders Experience at poweronplantscom. Forward slash P-I-E. And when you get inside the community, I want you to use that little magnifying glass down in the bottom right hand corner, press it and then search new favorites. You can use this magnifying glass to search absolutely anything you're looking for, but right now we're talking about finding your new favorites, and you'll see how many times we have talked about and shared with you how to find your new favorites, why this is so important. This is key for making whole food, plant based living sustainable for you, so go and do that. It will take you to the exact place in each episode where we've ever said that. You can press play. You don't have to scrub through the episodes. This program that we've set up inside the community is going to do all that hard work for you. This is like an encyclopedia of whole food, plant based incredibleness that you are going to love. We do not want you to get bored with the same nine meals. Even though it's important to have those go-to favorites, you need some new whole food, plant-based meals in your life that are going to light you up.

Speaker 1:

So today we're sharing seven strategies that you can use to get yourself unstuck from your food rut. The first one is use your online resources Pinterest, plant-based forums or YouTube for inspiration and guidance. It's amazing how many wonderful ideas are already out there just to throw together things in a quick and easy way. The hard thing for me about being online like that in one of the forums is that it gets so impersonal. Things aren't real and in this day and time when things are crazy busy, you want real community and real relationship. That's why we set up Pi for you online to build your ideas or to get inspiration for other questions that you can ask inside our community, where you can get answers and find real results.

Speaker 1:

So use these online forums and apps as you are able. The second strategy you can use to get yourself unstuck from your food rut is to utilize your cookbook shelf, but not just your physical one, the digital ones too. Make sure that you take just a little bit of time to get those digital resources organized on your phone or on your computer, where you can find all your digital cookbooks in one easy place and get to those very quickly and easily. It is going to make all the difference for you. Strategy number three check out a new cookbook or two from the library.

Speaker 2:

Yes, from the library. Are those still around? Do they still have those?

Speaker 1:

in this digital world. Do you mean physical books?

Speaker 2:

or do you mean the library? Well, both physical books and library.

Speaker 1:

So don't forget the incredible resources that your local libraries can offer to you. Strategy number four is listen to the 300 plus episodes of this podcast, because we share a ton of ideas for quick, simple meals. Here Again, the easiest way to do that is to come inside our free group and use that little search magnifying glass. You can search for a specific ingredient you have. Let's say you're looking for blueberries pop in blueberries, pop in zucchini. You're going to pull up a recent episode we just did on zucchini and it will pull up every time in that episode that we said zucchini. It will be there for you and you could do this with any ingredient that you have in your pantry or your refrigerator. If you're already inside Podcast Insider's experience and you are not using the magnifying glass, why not start using it today? It is going to change things in an incredible way for you. And strategy number five find your new favorite meals inside the Power on Plants digital cookbooks, both original and thrive. These cookbooks are loaded with our whole food, plant based, oil free favorites. Most of them are gluten free too. You can grab your copies at poweronplantscom forward slash cookbook. These are our go-to favorites.

Speaker 1:

If you're wondering, what did Jared and Anita eat in a day. It's right here for you, just waiting for you to discover. I'm all about saving time, making things simple and making them taste absolutely mouth-watering fantastic, because those are the keys for making plant-based eating sustainable. If you want to not only lose weight and keep it off, reverse diseases and keep them reversed right, you have to know these kinds of strategies. It's not just about getting some new recipes. It's about getting the right recipes that are going to free up your time, light you up, because they taste amazing and bring you plant-based joy. That is how you make it sustainable.

Speaker 1:

Strategy number six get adventurous and try some new cuisines. How often do you eat Thai food or Indian food, or even South African food? There are many different cuisines that you can try from all over the world. Don't limit yourself to just one or two that you always enjoy. This is a wonderful way to get yourself unstuck out of your food rut today. Number seven this week, incorporate some brand new whole food plant-based ingredients that you don't usually use, so gain some inspiration. What are your favorite plant-based ingredients? Ask that inside our community. People will be more than happy to offer up hey, I use this or I like that. Right now I'm into this or that. These things may change for you over time, but it's wonderful when you can think of new things, that you can add that you don't normally eat.

Speaker 1:

Jared, what's your favorite way to discover new ingredients to add to recipes?

Speaker 2:

Ingredients to recipes. The way that I have done it in the past is, when we go to the grocery store someplace like a Whole Foods, where they have a good variety of different fresh produce is walk around the produce area and see what is something that I have not ever used or something I've not used in a long time, and just think that way.

Speaker 1:

Let that spark creativity. Visual inspiration.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

That's it Visual inspiration. You want to get around something that you see that inspires you. It could be out of one of our cookbooks, it could be inside the community, where you search something and up pops a picture and oh, I can make that. It looks very simple, that would be easy to do. Or on your shopping trip, like Jared's saying, you're pushing a buggy through the store and you're intentionally taking time to look for an ingredient that you don't typically purchase.

Speaker 2:

Now the advantage of that is that you can actually touch it and smell it. So if it's something you've never seen before, you could smell it and see. Maybe if it's a fruit and you can smell and think, wow, that actually smells like it would taste really amazing, and then get inspiration that way.

Speaker 1:

I love this idea. That's really a great one, and so today we've given you seven strategies to keep you from being bored with your meals, so that you can get unstuck from your food rut. Strategy number one is to use your online resources like Pinterest, instagram, plant based forums, youtube. Get ideas and inspiration that way. Step number two use your cookbook shelf, not just your physical one, but your digital one as well. Number three check out a new cookbook or two from the library. It's such a great resource and often overlooked today. Step four listen to the 300 plus episodes of this podcast and get into our free group at poweronplantscom forward slash pie. That's forward slash P-I-E, where every single episode is searchable to you. Step number five Find your new favorite meals inside the Power On Plants digital cookbooks. Both bundles are available to you right now, with limited time bonuses at poweronplantscom forward slash cookbook. That's poweronplantscom forward slash cookbook.

Speaker 1:

Strategy six is all about getting adventurous and trying some new cuisines, and strategy seven is to incorporate some brand new to you whole food, plant based ingredients that you don't usually use. So what are you going to try this week? Which strategy are you going to try this week? Which strategy are you going to take just that one thing, that one little thing that you're going to do to get yourself one step closer to whole food, plant-based joy and finally feeling good, so you can get out there and fully live the life that you were created to live. We can't wait to hear all about it. Let us know inside Pi. We look forward to seeing you there and you have a fantastic week, sunshine. We will see you again next time on Power On Plants. Thank you.

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